Thursday, July 20, 2006

Almost Home

Yeah, I'm off the hook for words tonight. Here's another vacation ramble from Okie.
I'm pooped. Should vacations make you this tired? We've got one more full day in South Carolina and I'm planning on using it to rest and swim.

I'm happy to report the kids have gotten used to the ocean. Duncan discovered he likes riding the waves on an inflatable raft. We bought a styrofoam 'boogie board' but it fell apart after about an hour. The $6 raft was a better investment by far. Calvin likes the ocean when he's taken out on the inflatable raft but being battered by the waves still isn't his favorite thing. He, more often than not, will choose digging in the sand or heading to the pool.

I'm okay either way and I'm very pleased that I haven't lost my glasses. Yet. *knock wood* I do have quite a good stash of shells and I even scooped up a bunch of stuff from the shell midden for E. She's going to be getting a very heavy, damp package in about a week.

Today we went to Georgetown and rode around on a boat. It was a pirate themed tour. We figured the kids wouldn't find that quite so boring. The four guys working the boat put on a good show. They really played the pirate stuff up to the kids and told a few scary pirate stories. The view was beautiful but damn was it hot. By the time the boat ride was finished we were hot and ready to consume vast quantities of water and a small bit of ice cream. Mine was black cherry--yum.

All in all, I'd have to say this has been a successful vacation for the Hodge Lodge. Barring a few kid meltdowns and the all-consuming hatred I now bear for the electric stove in the condo, we've all gotten along just fine. Now if we can just survive the trip home....


LOL, her hatred must have been built up over time, she always seems fine at my place.

Enjoy your updates, see y'all tomorrow.


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