Wednesday, July 12, 2006


You've got me again tonight. I nagged E until she agreed to let me do several days in a row to make up for the fact that next week she gets to do the updates all by herself. Wish her luck.

I'm well on my way to being done with packing for vacation next week. The kids are all packed except for bathing suits (we're currently using them). I even have the DVDs picked out for Cal's first time on a plane. Usually I wait until the last minute to choose the trip DVDs but I was on the ball today and got it done early. Yay me.

I've been trying to decide whether or not to take some legos for the kids to play with when we've got down time in the condo. Do I really want to be responsible for rounding up tiny bits of colored plastic? On the other hand, it would be nice to have something they both can play quietly with. I know everyone is going to crave quiet afer a few days of living with the Lord of Chaos.

But the most important thing has been bag full of reading material is packed. Yes, I'm taking comics. E laughs at me because I do that. I don't quite trust leaving them in my luggage so they always travel with me in my carry on. My very heavy carry on.

In addition to comics, several books will come with me but most of those will go in my luggage. My carry on isn't big enough for comics and four books. Will I really need that many books? Probably not but I like to be prepared. Suppose I start one and end up not being in the mood to read it? Lucky me I've got more to choose from. Plus I hope it'll keep me from wanting to buy books while I'm on vacation.

Looky there. I actually blabbed on about something long enough that I feel good about saying 'enjoy the updates.'


1 comment:

E said...

I do not laugh about actually bringing the comics, but I do laugh that you have to have them in your carry-on which weighs and ungodly amount then.