Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas

For those who celebrate, hope you're having, or that you had, a brill day.

I did. And I managed to neither eat, nor drink, too much. So I'm feeling well fed but not stuffed to the point of ludicrousness.

Got several cds I wanted, and a couple of dvds. But only one book (from a friend). How is it possible that I only got one book?? I don't recall a time when I got so few.

As a kid I got loads - my mother was one of 17 children - 15 of whom made it to adulthood (2 boys, the rest girls) - and it seemed that every one of my aunts each bought me a book every year. Well, I suppose it was a safe choice. You could guarantee that I would always be delighted to receive a book. And there was a series of (very cheap) hardback, abridged-for-children, classics when I was a kid. And it was all the classics - Dickens, R L Stevenson, Walter Scott, Anna Sewell, L M Alcott, The Brontes, John Buchan, Mark Twain, Dumas, etc. I amassed quite a collection of those via Christmas presents.

Ah well, I did get some "High Street" gift vouchers that can be used in a number of different shops. One of which is Waterstone's. So I can buy some books with those.

Oh - and little Barbara's gift?? A Bob the Builder T-shirt. Fantastic!! *g*


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Young Barbara's gift - too adorable. :)