Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve

Today we let the kids open all of their presents. Since tomorrow all three go to their other homes we figured it would be cruel to make them wait until Christmas morning and then only get a few hours with the new stuff. A lot of what they got is easily transportable back and forth but some we prefer they keep here. Little e's house isn't such a big deal but the house the boys return to is a bit chaotic. Things have a tendency to get lost and that drives me crazy.

Our Christmas morning will consist of a few items out from Santa for Cal and little e. The stockings will be put out then. The kids will be leaving by lunch time, which means we don't have to cook a big Christmas day dinner. Instead I'll make a big Christmas day breakfast. The rest of the day for us will likely involve watching many DS9 episodes and/or one or two of our new movies.

Whatever you celebrate this holiday season, stay safe and hug your loved ones.


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