Tuesday, March 31, 2009


First - a big thank you to everybody who sent me birthday greetings. I will try & reply to you all as soon as I can. Hopefully before my next birthday. I am so gonna get those two for telling everyone though!!

I thought I'd try and tell you that by the time you reach my age you stop celebrating birthdays. That's what people always say isn't it?? Well trust me, that's total bollocks. You're never too old to celebrate. Ok. I'm not such a big kid about birthdays as I am about Christmas and I did refuse to celebrate a few years ago (but then I'd buried my brother on my birthday the year before so I didn't really want to remember much that year). Now though I make sure I have a great time - celebrate your birthdays folks. Getting older might suck but it's as sure as dammit better than the alternative. Having another birthday doesn't make me depressed that I'm getting older - it makes me happy and grateful that I'm alive to celebrate. This year I even went out for a posh meal. I figured it was safe since I'd burnt the boxers-of-doom. I was right it was safe. I didn't even wear my drink (unlike Friday). But I'll tell you about that tomorrow.


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