Friday, March 06, 2009

Ramble from phair

Phair once again shares.

Even now as I think about it, I don't know how this year went so horribly wrong so soon. Hideous weather with snow accumulations climbing higher and higher in sharp contrast to my ever dropping 401K seemed to trigger the chain of disasters. The doc telling me surgery was not optional any longer AND it would be a three for one special was breaking news in January. Oh joy. Why stop the free fall into the abyss? Let's march into February.

Not to be left out of a national trend, my company lost its contract at the location I work days before my surgery. They didn't have another slot for me in any of their other locations. At the very last minute, the location bought my contract out. They tell me because they played such hard ball, the fee to keep me was half price. Great, just what a girl needs to know - she's on sale. But, the IRS doesn't think I'm a bargain. Nope, not at all. I'm a luxury item. It seems they will be needing 2K more from me PDQ, if I could be so kind.

Think it can't get worse. You'd be wrong, friend. In a whooping death blow from the left field, Fanta changed to all natural flavors. And, do you know what it tastes like? The outside of an orange peel - the part most of us don't use regardless of how good it might be for us.

So, tonight I sit here recuperating from multiple abdominal surgeries. The pain is easing and I have a job to go back to in a few days. Ordinarily, I'd be in bed by this time to help the healing process but I can't. I'm waiting for the heater guys to show up. A little while ago I notice the house getting colder and went exploring in my cellar to find the boiler is off...not boiling...silent...not get the drift. I guess this is how I roll this year.

It is my fondest wish this night finds your situation better than mine. If not, remember misery loves company.


Okay folks, my suggestion is send some better luck her way. She could use the break. Have a great night and enjoy your updates.


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