Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Singing in the Rain

Couple of quick reminders - as per yesterday's update - Caring For Kara, help out a sister in need - new auction items being added daily.

And - this weekend it's International Day of Femslash. There's a schedule for the online Femslash Con.


Well. Not quite singing. (If you've ever heard me even attempt to sing you'd know why). But yep. Rain. Rain, rain, and more rain. Floods all over the place during this past week. Since we live at the top of a hill we've been ok. A lot of people in this county have not been so lucky. The Environment Agency finally lifted the flood alert status from the nearby rivers today.

And I hear that in the USA you've been having heat-waves, with temperatures high enough to cause deaths.

Climate change is real. Honest it is. Please - Save the Arctic.

And on that note I'll let you get to reading. Have a good week. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


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