Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Wheeee - Speedy 'Net is Back.

A little late but a Blessed Eid al Adha to our Muslim readers.

Thank you to those who responded to the plea from Regal Crest. They are very grateful for the information you supplied.

Internet working properly tonight. Not that our ISP was particularly helpful. The recorded message was pretty basic. "Yes, we are noticing a slow-down in service in your area but we do not know why. Please try later." I suppose at least they were honest. Anyway, whatever was wrong has been mended and I could check properly for updates, so I shouldn't grumble, should I.

Got a link to an original urban fantasy short story by Naomi Clark, (thank you Sandra Barrett for the link). She seems to be the only author currently listed at the publisher Queered Fiction Press. But they are looking for submissions. Ms. Clark has two books published, about the characters in this story, so if you like it you might be interested in the books. Haven't read it yet myself so can't offer an opinion.

It's still raining, by the way. I know we need the rain, I know I was complaining a little while ago that we hadn't had any rain. But I don't know that we need this much - there is a half-way point between drought and flood - honest there is. I've come home filthy, soaking wet, and squelching every day for the past fortnight. I'm running out of clean, dry work-clothes. Could we have some sunshine again?? Pretty please??

Take care. Enjoy your updates. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


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