Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Slow, slow, slow

First - reminder about Tamara's correction of yesterday. The show featuring author Heartsways is this Thursday 10th November and not next Thursday as previously advertised.

Next - my apologies if this update isn't as complete as it usually would be but I'm having internet issues. The oh-so-speedy 50Meg connection we pay extra for is not working properly this evening and is slow enough that it's bringing back memories of those days (not at all lamented) of dial-up at 56k. And I've been waiting for thirty minutes to log-in to LiveJournal. Oh, and BuffyFaith appears to be down.

Lastly a message from publisher Regal Crest

    Update - 10/3 post "Piracy Issues"

    After reviewing the RCE contracts and a statement from Missy, the legal department at Amazon.de has removed the illegal translations from their web site. So, that is one part of the problem resolved.

    We still need to get the German publisher to stop publishing and selling the books on their site and any others we are unaware of. As of today, 8 weeks after it was brought to their attention, Edition Elles still refuses to respond to any of my inquiries regarding this matter. I have limited contact information for them - info@elles.de. We got that out of one of the unauthorized books and it may not even be an active email address any longer. There is no address or phone number on their web site and an Internet search has turned up nothing. If anyone has information for this publisher, or knows someone who might have information that will assist us in stopping the theft and copyright infringement, please let me know. at c.lenoir@regalcrest.biz

Right. See you all tomorrow, hopefully with a decent connection and a lot more updates.


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