Tuesday, November 22, 2011


One of the houses close to where I'm working put their bin out for collection yesterday (a day early). Not their recycling bin, (that's collected next week) but their "non-recyclable for landfill" bin. Beside it they stuck a heavy-ish-looking cardboard box. As they put it down it slipped and came open.

Books fell out.


I was so horrified I spoke. "You're throwing books away??" The woman nodded. "They were my father's. I don't read books so what's the point of keeping them. Might as well dump them." My face must have registered my horror (I have a very tell-tale face. I'd be no good at poker). She continued, "You can have them if you want." I thanked her and grabbed the box. I didn't care what they were, you just don't throw books in the bin!!

I got them home and looked at them. There's a complete set of Dickens' works. All of them, not just the novels but all the short articles too. All in matched hardback volumes. I'm not a fan of Dickens but I'm sure I can find somebody who'd like them. Even if one or two of the volumes are a bit scruffy.

There was also a two-volume, cloth bound, hardback set of The Count of Monte Cristo. And a matching volume of Gulliver's Travels. And a matching The Woman in White. And The Moonstone. And The Lady of The Camelias. And Ivanhoe. All dated 1921. And there was an Encyclopaedia. Dated 1932. (Maps of the Empire in the back!!)

And she was going to stick them in the bin with the dirty nappies and the cat-litter and the left over shepherd's pie... heathen!! Criminal!!

Well at least I've got some nice books to read... Moonstone first, I think


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