Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Amazing Artistry

Not a lot to say tonight. Not much has happened this past week. I've worked, come home, read some books.

Two new ones. (If you're interested I can thoroughly recommend one - Lynn Ames Beyond Instinct. Cracking good read. And I can definitely say the other wasn't worth the postage costs never mind the price of the book!!). And three old ones.

And I read some online stories too. Dust, and Jericho. Both excellent. Jericho has been published, so I'll be buying a copy asap.

I also read (or began to read at least) a couple of online stories which should never have been allowed to see the light of day!! I didn't finish them. Life is too short and there are too many good things to read rather than wasting time on dross.

Joan Arling - who sometimes rambles for us here - sent me a link to an article about some amazing paper sculptures. They're incredible.

What I really want to know though, how is it that a person living in Germany sends me a link (on a US American site) which she found on the blog of a US American, who in turn is living in Portugal, about these sculptures appearing in the UK. And I, a person actually living in the UK, haven't seen a word about them before now!!

Doesn't that seem wrong?? That the British press is so busy reporting on the Euro crisis, the political shenanigans of the extreme right-wing in the USA, or perfectly idiotic rubbish about some C-list "celebrity" and their divorce, marriage, appearance on Come Dancing, or whatever, or some ridiculous pseudo-scandalous soap plot-line, that it makes no significant mention of such wonderful things??

Daft, I calls it.


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