Tuesday, November 01, 2011

All Hallows

November already - blimey.

Today was Samhain/Beltane (depending on your hemisphere) it's a bit late but a good festival to our Wiccan/Pagan readers.

And a good All Hallows'/Saints' Day to our Christian readers. And tomorrow is All Souls' Day - wishing a good one to our Catholic readers.

We didn't get many callers last night. Perhaps they're giving up. Trick or treat was never an English custom (closest we get to it is the old Celtic custom of guising, callers perform a song, dance, or juggling act, in return for a treat, usually an apple of a small cake of some sort) it's only in the last 20 years or thereabouts that kids have been doing the trick-or-treat thing, influenced by US American TV programmes & films.

I did stick a lantern in the porch though. Just to show willing. It wasn't a pumpkin. They're too expensive and I don't like pumpkin (to eat) and I hate wasting food. I got a large swede (rutabaga) and carved that instead. I do like swede so the innards didn't go to waste. Got loads of chocolate left over. Crunchie bars mostly, and a few bags of Cadbury's Buttons. No idea what to do with them (I don't eat them). I expect my cousin will polish them off...

Chap down the road goes all-out for Hallowe'en. decorates his whole front garden with fake tombstones and skeletons and things. Lots of lights. He even puts up a tent and has a sort of party. He and his missus dress up as the Munsters. They have a whale of a time. He's a big bloke. Built like a brick carsey. He's a lovely bloke though. Soft as mutton. Got this pair of tiny little yorkies and he walks them every day. Puts little rain capes on them and everything. Nobody makes fun of him though - he's a Satan's Slave, (local Hell's Angel type motorcycle group), and they have this "fight one, fight all" thing going. Nobody wants 40 plus Slaves turning up on their doorstep because they laughed at him.


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