Friday, November 04, 2011

Busy Weekend

My official 11 year old is celebrating at a pool tomorrow with numerous friends. I am in charge of pizza and other various items like payment. Hopefully if Tamara and I are not too tired afterwards we will be able to get to a craft fair that interests us both.

I am feeling a bit better these days...still not up to full par, but close. Other than the headaches I'm almost me again. At least I am not longer dizzy and that is very nice.

Sunday kids return to our house and we have lots of house chores that need to get done prior to that.

Here is hoping you all have a good weekend. Enjoy your updates.

Peace, Health, and Happiness.



Anonymous said...

The links to Lots Femslash don't work

E said...

The site may be down on your side...I was able to go into the story...perhaps refresh and try again?