Friday, November 25, 2011


They should be listened to when giving advice. I have an ENT who prescribed something that the pharmacist then warned me about. Sure it did what I wanted and thought I needed which was stopping my Menieres episode, however at what consequences? I dropped dangerously low on potassium instead (strokes and cardiac issues). Which then led me to serious fatigue.

Now I do believe it could have been avoided if the ENT had paid attention and had me give blood to check for such things, but alas our stellar health system doesn't really give time for doctors to actually pay full attention when they have so many clients on a panel.

So future note to E, listen to pharmacist. I did Tuesday after 9 hours in Urgent Care where the doctor told me to drop all my other meds for the new one. Pharmacist said "uh, I think you should check tomorrow (was 2am) with your primary care doctor on this order". I followed that advice for sure. Ended up NOT dropping all my other meds in fact sticking with all the usuals and the new one.

Still feeling crappy, but I do believe headed in the right direction. Just a lot of naps are in my future over the next few days (perhaps weeks) while it all balances out.

Okay enough of that, back to your updates, enjoy! Perhaps over this weekend I can finally get the checklist updated so Ze is not the only one posting lots daily.

Until then, Peace, Health, and Happiness.


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