Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Fighting Flu

Blimey!! Took me under an hour to check all the sites tonight. Usually takes me two-and-a-half to three hours. I even managed to finish my mug of coffee as well - while it was still hot!! Thanks mates!!

So... do I sit and twiddle my thumbs for a bit?? Start writing my Christmas cards?? Go and get another coffee?? What am I going to do with all this extra time??

I suppose I could try and think of something to ramble about. I haven't really got a clue what to chat about tonight.

It's been a busy week. What with work, Christmas shopping (I hate crowds. Makes me want to bite. I actually growled out loud in WHSmith - made a woman in front of me in the queue visibly jump.) And, of course, looking after the kid. I've been leaving work early for that (not difficult as it gets dark early anyway).

The kid (my cousin who isn't a kid at all actually, being only ten years my junior) caught the 'flu. And I don't mean a heavy cold or an upper respiratory tract infection. I mean the real deal. Influenza. The knock-you-off-you-feet, death-warmed-up, take-to-your-bed-and-stay-there-for-a-fortnight type. Because, trust me, if you can walk around, go to work, talk and make sense, etc. you don't have the 'flu. You have a heavy cold, or an infection, but you don't have the 'flu. She does.

She tried sitting up at the 'puter and emailing people on the first full day that she felt unwell. Big mistake. She had to give in and go to bed. And she couldn't eat that evening. She's pretty much stayed in bed since. She couldn't even read, it hurt her eyes, and bright lights gave her headaches.

Now as you all know, I do not cook. I burn, scorch, set fire to, singe, and otherwise destroy, good food, But I do not cook. With the kid out of commission I've had to try. I've ended up eating a lot of soups/stews. God bless the pressure-cooker and the microwave. Even I find it hard to burn stuff in those (not impossible you understand, it can be done, it's just hard to do). And soup is pretty much all she's been able to eat for a fortnight anyway.

I am in no danger of getting 'flu. I was sensible. (No, really. I can be sensible sometimes. About once a decade or so). I had the jab as soon as the reminder came from the doc. She kept meaning to get it done but kept putting off phoning for an appointment. She won't make that mistake again.

She did get up today. And had a shower. That wore her out so much that she simply collapsed onto the sofa and watched dvds for the rest of the day. And asked every so often, in a pathetic voice, if I would bring her some juice. She does "feeling sorry for yourself" nearly as well as I do.


1 comment:

Tamara said...

Under an hour...yay!