Monday, November 09, 2009

Ramble from Rev

I love these back and forth rambles.
I hadn't decided if I wanted to write another guest ramble about the review site but after reading Joan's response, I figured I'd put my two cents worth in.

I, too, was tossed from a board for "lurking." And Joan is right, it's not a very nice word. I understand the concept but it gives the feel of a stalker or Peeping Tom. And I never felt like that. I rarely enjoy chatting with people in message boards, occasionally, but it is rare that I'm in that sort of a mood. Being the geeky introvert that I am, I'm there to read, not to socialize. I usually gave feedback to authors but I preferred to do it privately instead of posting a comment for everyone to see. If a story or character touched me on a personal level, I didn't really feel comfortable exposing myself emotionally in a public forum where others had the opportunity to criticize my opinion. Which, I suppose, may seem strange now that I help run a review site...

Anyway, I know that the majority of authors seem thrilled to get some feedback and if you were moved by something in a story, you should absolutely contact that author in some way and let her know - if you're comfortable with it. I think Joan was right on the money - who doesn't like to hear that something they created was enjoyed? I've heard from a few authors that have had work reviewed on our site and they're happy that we're getting their work out to be read by more people. And they've even thanked us for any constructive criticism that we gave. Not a single flame job yet! (knock on wood...)

And now on to UK. She put her money where her mouth is. We've gotten four reviews from her so far and I have a feeling there will be more coming. And I know that the visitors to our site appreciate her reviews because they are reading them and using them to find new material.

I've written with several women over the past few weeks about submitting reviews and I think the main theme of those conversations is this - I'm not a writer, I won't do the stories justice, and no one cares what I think. Believe me, I understand those sentiments because I felt the same way. I am not a writer but I am a reader. And who visits the review site? Other readers looking for good writers. I don't think anyone expects my reviews to be as engaging as a story. I was certain that no one would even bother with coming to the site other than my friends who also read fics. But I couldn't have been more wrong. They don't bother to check the site but hundreds and hundreds of others, all around the globe, do! I couldn't believe that there was really a demand for honest reviews of all types of fan fiction housed in one location, but there is.

If you have considered submitting a review, don't hold back. Do it. Other readers DO care what you think. I've found three new stories that I'd never heard of from UK's reviews alone. And if it's the fear of bad writing that's holding you up, don't let it. I'm a beta, too. I'm sure the other reviewers won't mind me sharing this with you fine Uber Ect. readers: English is not the first language for most of our reviewers. I beta the reviews of more than one reviewer for basic spelling, grammar, and word choice (like switching "prolly" for "probably" and things like that). I don't mind at all. One of my nicknames is Mistress of the Comma. So don't let fear hold you back. The review site belongs to all of us, I just hold the admin password ;-) .

Thanks for your time. Now go read something good!


Okay. You've heard it from the head honcho. Submit those reviews!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dhamphir got it right on her site: it's "suitor" rather than "suiter."