Friday, November 27, 2009

Hanging Out

Yesterday was Duncan's 14th birthday. He's definitely a typical 14 year old. Today we went to see A Christmas Carol in 3d. Duncan chose not to go with us. He's at that age where all animated movies are boring. I would have seen another movie with him but there wasn't a darn thing showing that either one of us wanted to see.

So he was left to his Xbox live devices and we sat through an okay movie. I like the real 3d so much better than the 3d that was around when I was a kid. The Real 3d actually works with my glasses for one thing and the quality of the movies is much better.

After the movie we ate a cheap lunch and I picked up my not-so-cheap van from the garage. I took it in for an oil and transmission fluid change and ended up needing my windshield washer fluid reservoir replaced (it was cracked) along with a piece of the windshield washer fluid pump.

Then once we made it back to the house the real fun began. E had the house painted this summer and in the course of that painting they removed all of the little hooks that hold the string of Christmas lights. Time to put new ones in. This entailed laying on the roof and hanging over the edge to screw in about ten little white hooks.

So it's done now and E is happy her Christmas lights are on the house. I'm very happy you only have to screw the hooks in once.


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