Sunday, November 22, 2009

A Ramble from Joan

What is the world coming to?

We all know that the next generation has never been able to aspire to the intellectual heights of their forebears, ever since Aristotle, probably before then, and still humanity has not only survived, but even made one or the other progress. Still...

One of the progresses the readers of this site may value highly is the invention of the printing press. After all, it ultimately led to widespread literacy, and the electronic version of printing is what enables us to read lots of wonderful stories, not least of
all because of the application of that art by our beloved grunts. Even if it is misused to publish rambles like this one, occasionally.

However, are you aware that *reading* must be considered a dying, nay, dead art by now? Even though you are practising it right this moment?

Because progress is a two-faced beast. After centuries of being a highly regarded cultural technique, reading not only takes a second place to moving pictures, it is being positively rejected by above-mentioned next generation. Many is the time I have argued for the advantages of forming your own pictures in your mind to complement the written word, only to be countered with 'A book? Nah, give me a video anytime!'

It's not that I object to videos per se, I have a (smallish) collection of them myself. However, the other day, I recommended 'Witness for the Prosecution', which, by the way, is based on a novel by Agatha Christie, to someone who had never heard of that movie (I won't
mention that person's name). When I pointed out the actress Marlene Dietrich, eyes grew wide -- 'Then it's in black and white? No, thanks.'

Reading? READING??? I won't mention it again. I am defeated, utterly defeated.


FYI Joan, I own a few books all about Aristotle and some with his writings, I have enjoyed them completely and will continue to do so for many years to come. Also we (grunts) do not believe posting your rambles in any way is a "misuse", hence we thank you for sharing your words, time and energy with all of us. Please keep visiting.

Now back to the update and remember if you have something to say, let us know, Enjoy!


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