Sunday, November 01, 2009

A Comment

I have a comment to the Help and Hype on the 22 October maybe you will post it as yet another call for on line readers to help each other out with finding the good stories on the net by way of the Fan Fiction review site.

I'm pretty much just lurking around in the world of fan fiction. Actually I didn't know I was lurking until someone on the Athenaeum Forum put a name to my actions or rather the lack of it. You are properly familiar with the phrase but as English is not my mother tongue I had to look it up on the net. OK so now I know that the fact that I don't tend to give feedback to the author of the stories that I read on line are considered bad manners.

So why not just get on with it and "feed the bards". Well I have my reasons but I guess that it's up to you to decide if I (and all the other lurkers) should just cut the crap and get on with it. Here is my lame excuse. If the story is really good and I itch to go "pat the bard on the back". I get second thoughts like - if I found the story to be this good so has lots of other readers and the bard has properly had lots and lots of stupid emails from readers going on about what a great story that was and who needs another email like that? If the story is bad or just not living up to my expectations I ask my self why should I send a negative comment to an author who has decided to share his or her writing with the rest of the world for free?

So why am I writing all this...well mostly be course it's been on my mind for some time. I keep stumbling across calls for comments from the authors of the fan fiction that I read and from the editors on the sites where the stories are posted and I really don't want to be a spoil sport. Maybe someone beside me has had thoughts like this? If that's so I'll like to share my new found solution to the "problem". I'll go write a review of some of the good stories that I've found on the net and submit it to the editors of the Fan Fiction Review on BlogSpot. That way I can share with you some of the good time I've had and throw in any negative comments that I might have with out deliberately hurting the author. Maybe some of you would do the same? That way we'll be able to spend our online story reading time on quality fiction instead of sorting without direction through the tons of stories available - and some of the stories are really a waste of time!

Hope to see my not yet written first review of fan fiction on the Fan Fiction Review site on BlogSpot soon and hopefully a lot of other reviews form vivid on line readers like me.

UK (no I'm not from the UK it's just a name to go by on the net ;-)

Splendid, I want to thank UK for stopping by and giving a wonderful solution to a continuous problem. It may not be what everyone agrees with but I think it's great and has a chance to be even better if folks participate. I like the idea that both positive and then some more critical can be done without considering hurting anyone's feelings. The honest approach is better and as more reviews get posted people can find reviewers they may agree with and others they may not, but in the end it only works if people review. Hence, trot on over and give it a try!

Now back to your update and do let us know if you have something say. Have a great evening.


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