Sunday, November 15, 2009

Announcement Night

Good News for all of you Xena fans.
Hi everyone. I'm angharad governal. Once Upon a Time and Long Ago, I used to be active in the Xenaverse. I ran several websites besides my own personal fan fic archive, namely the (infamous) Annals of the Conqueror (AOC) and BLURB: Recommendations of Xenaverse Fan Fiction. Recently, I noticed that the new(er) location of BLURB since I had given it to other webmasters had vanished from the web so I decided to bring an archive copy of the site back online. I hope this is of some help (and joy) to the old and new Xena fen out there. While I'm no longer active in Xena fandom, I do like the idea of keeping parts of this rather important femslash fandom "alive" in one way or another if I'm able to do so. This is the announcement I've plastered all over my sites as well as on my LJ. I do hope you guys enjoy the old site. And thanks! - angharad governal

    BLURB: Recommendations of Xenaverse Fan Fiction was active at the website address ( from 07 August 1999 to 04 September 2001. It was transitioned to other owners/webmasters after that date and moved to another location. On 14 Nov 2009, I noticed that the "new" BLURB site was no longer online. For the sake of keeping Xenaverse history accessible and "alive" to those who are now discovering online Xena fandom and the myriad of wonderful things that flourished in its heyday on the web, I have brought BLURB back from the ethereal and transitory thing that is the interwebs. Unfortunately, any content that was added to the site after the transition to the erstwhile other owners is more than likely lost. What is here is what I was able to piece together and salvage of the old site before new ownership had taken place. The majority of links to various stories are probably dead. My apologies for not updating those links. Irregardless of that fact, I do hope Xena fans will get a kick out of seeing the old girl back up again. As the former owner and webmaster, I'm delighted to bring this little piece of the Xenaverse back up and around. Do enjoy. And thanks for visiting. (P.S. Please ignore both the email links and the e-group join buttons, as the site is no longer "active", but kept online as a matter of preserving Xenaverse fandom history.)

BLURB at my fan fic site

BLURB at the tripod back-up

Thanks, Governal, for letting us know! There you have it, go enjoy.

Now back to your updates.


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