Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Here's wishing any pagans reading this A Good Equinox. First day of Autumn today. That's Fall to you on the other side of the pond. Strangely Americans are more traditional in using that word. I don't know why we in England switched to Autumn. (It happened sometime in the 16th century or thereabouts, too late to be part of the French=upper class snobbery that followed the Norman Conquest). Mostly we used Harvest prior to that (as German uses Herbst, still). Some areas in the north of England used fall o' the leaf or just fall. In fact some of them still do.

Unfortunately Autumn (especially late September) means more than just the season of mists and mellow fruitfulness. It also means the season of things with eight legs. Yep. It's spider season. Suddenly they all appear. Hundreds of them. Black and orange stripes on bulbous bodies. Webs spring out of nowhere and cover every bush, shrub, plant and fence in the area. There's neither sight nor sound of them for most of the year and then pouf!! There they all are. In all sizes. From tiny to OMFG it's as big as a horse!! Ok, maybe that's a slight exaggeration. But only slight.

Leaving the house to head for work becomes an adventure. I'm willing to bet the neighbours are holding early morning parties to watch and fall over laughing as I leave the house. Arms wind-milling about my head, or waving a stick in front of me like a majorette twirling a baton. Or worse, when these measures fail or I forget and OMG walk into a web, the spectacle that is the spider dance.

I won't half be glad when it's over and they've all gone back to whatever twilight zone they usually inhabit.


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