Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Dates and magic socks

It's a rare date today. 09/09/09 or 9-9-9. A genuine rarity. Unlike some of those ridiculous claim in viral emails, you know the sort, the ones that state that such-and-such a combination will never occur again or not for a thousand years or some such rubbish. When in fact the specified combination type turns up about 20 (or more) times a century. Well this particular type of date occurs 9 times a century, But this is the last time for 92 years. Yep, it's a fact. There won't be another all-the-same-number date, in single digits, for another 92 years. Not until 2101. The date then will be 01/01/01. Course, none of us will be around to see that one. So I hope you all made the most of today.

I know I did.

I watched England hammer poor old Croatia again and qualify for the World Cup Finals. The first time they've managed to qualify with two group games still to go and a perfect win record. Magic. Of course I helped them get there. I had my England boxers on. And my England socks. And shirt. And a beer in my England glass. I'm pretty certain they wouldn't have done it without me. The power of England socks is just that strong.

See you next week. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you


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