Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Being cruel to coffee beans

Ahhhh. Coffee. Lovely stuff. This one (holds cup up to screen) is a Nicaraguan. Very nice it is too. After yesterday's post somebody sent me a link to a site where I could replace my t-shirt. Much appreciated. And then somebody else - someone I considered a good friend - sent me a message using the most horrific language. Positively disgusting it was. Worst swearing I've ever heard.

She said (whispers the terrible word) Decaf. That's right. You heard it correctly. She said (shudders) decaf.

Decaf. Can you think of a more cruel and horrific thing to do to a poor, innocent, coffee bean?? To prevent it from fulfilling its honourable and honoured purpose in life - that of being heated, ground and devoted to energising the human race - by removing its reason for being, its soul, its caffeine.

Criminal. That's what I call it. Criminal.

See you next week. Stay safe, especially if you live near L.A. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


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