Tuesday, May 05, 2009

I hate football (I'm sure I've said it before)

(And I'll likely say it again.) But I do hate it right now. Breaks your bloody heart it does. I can't believe the lads let them walk all over us like that. That means at least another year will go by without us managing to do what even Aston Villa have done. Aston Villa!! (Actually I quite like the Villa - they've got a great team there and young enough that they can only do better). Ah well. That's football for you. Like the man said, it's a funny old game.

The kid's home from the hosp. so the local fire brigade can breathe again. I no longer have to cook for myself. And if by chance I do cook I have supervision and am therefore less likely to burn the house down. Tonight we had five-bean chilli. With rice. And peppers. Everything finished cooking at the same time thereby allowing the meal to be served all together and not in stages. The rice was not burnt. The smoke alarms did not go off. There was even enough left for seconds.



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