Friday, May 01, 2009


Well, it's been a week. One that I'm glad is over. Cal, along with E, started the week off by being sick. Mike took home duty the first day, I took off from work to be with Cal on Tuesday. By the end of the day he was bored and ended up spending time on the trampoline so I figured he was good to go for Wednesday.

Sad to say I was starting to get the crud on Tuesday. Actually I think it started as allergies and morphed into a cold. E and I had a horrible night of sleep and dragged ourselves out of bed for work on Wednesday. I snotted and sneezed my way through the day. It's amazing how sleepy Benadryl won't make you when you're making sure a sixteen year old boy doesn't destroy a vacuum cleaner. Thursday was yet another blur of kleenex and antihistamines.

Finally Friday arrives and I'm feeling so much better. So is E. Cal is left with a cough and a sad, hoarse little voice. Quite a change from his usually loud one. I made it through another day protecting the vacuum cleaner and only have a few new bruises to show for my week. Bring on the weekend and Free Comic Book Day on Saturday. Yay!


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