Sunday, May 31, 2009

Ramble from phair

I woke up Thursday morning and thought I was getting a visual migraine. They're rare but not unheard of events for me. However, I haven't experienced one in over a year. I've taken a much greater interest in my general health in the last sixteen months; losing sixty five pounds, getting my blood pressure down, getting my chronic anemia under control, eating better, sleeping right, easing stress, growing well being, and establishing peace in my home and heart.

If you've never had the pleasure of a visual migraine, I'll give you the short version of the phenomena. An obstruction appears in the visual field like a flickering line on an old celluloid movie and proceeds to move horizontally across the line of sight until it disappears. After it passes, a massive headache explodes just above your nose and mushrooms out. Many folks get violently ill from the pain and vomit which only makes a bad thing worse.

Knowing this I did the only thing a sane person would do; I raced off to work to get as much done as I could before my vision was completely compromised. Okay, not a good plan but I love my job and there is so much to do and…I'm dumb. Sometimes I act like the jerk who thinks the world can't run without them and drags into the office making everybody else wish they'd just go home.

I got done what I needed to do in record time. The visual migraine had barely moved and the headache hadn't hit. Excellent! I raced home and hopped into bed thinking I'd sleep through the worst of the rest of it. Three hours later I woke up and the object hadn't moved at all. Ooops. No headache either. Ooops again. Self diagnosis sudden seemed like a very bad idea.

My Mom went blind in her sixties. She was a musician who also loved to read, watch television, and drive. My Dad never learned to drive. Didn't like the idea of steering an enormous gas powered metal vehicle through the narrow streets of Boston at high speeds. He was very happy with permanent passenger status. Mom was the driver in the car and in her life. She loved driving almost as much as her music. Losing her eyesight ruined the last two decades of her life.

Living through her nightmare with her, I've always taken my eyesight very seriously. My eyes get checked at the same clinic which followed Mom's descent into darkness. Up to now, my only blip has been reading glasses. So, I called the nice folks at Eye Health. “GET DOWN HERE! NOW!” Yes, they sounded kind of nervous for me. They told me to call them back if I got stuck in traffic. Rush hour around Boston is no joke. We locals usually expect people to take longer to get places after 5pm. The fact they wanted to hear from me while I was on the way made me a little more worried than I already was. But, my Mom was the best driver I ever met. She knew every side road between Boston and Wellfleet. And, she taught me. I got it to the clinic in just under thirty minutes.

If you've ever had your eyes checked by an ophthalmologist then you know they blind you so they can see better during the exam. The doc told me she could see the circle in my field of vision just like I described it. Wait, she could see it? That meant it wasn't a migraine, right? Right. It looked to her like fluid had formed around a previously identified small, old, healed tear in my retina. I would have to come back Friday morning for the Retina specialist to confirm the swelling. They sent me home telling me to try to rest and try not to worry.

Worry? What's to worry about? I only need to read and write for both my jobs. Jobs I love, bye the way. I mean, I really love my work. When you look up ‘find the job you love' in the dictionary, there's a picture of me smiling! There's a second happy picture of me when you look up ‘embracing your art.' I literally leap out of bed in the morning to run off to the day job and then I hurry home to write. I mean, how could my life be better than a wonderful home, meaningful work which keeps me fed, sheltered, and dressed and an art which brings me closer to God with every stroke of my pen (keyboard). Worry, worry, worry.

Today I met the Retina specialist. Nice guy. Warm hands. Still, they blinded me so he could see better. Yep, there's fluid and swelling around that small, old, healed rip in my retina. This specialist said my eye condition is called central serous retinopathy. It might be caused by job related stress or an intestinal infection or maybe for no reason at all. I need to go back next week so they can map behind my eyes to find the drip. If it is too bad then they'll need to use lasers to seal the leak. Fun! Burning blasts of light shot into my eyes. Just like they did to my Mom. Didn't work for her, though. The specialist said my condition usually doesn't result in blindness…I'm gonna hold him to that if I can.

But, this ramble isn't about all that. This is about the fabulous people from my list. I sent out a notice earlier today to let them know my two stories would be slowed down from their twice weekly posting schedule because…I can't see to write. By afternoon, I received dozens of emails offering good thoughts, prayers, and help. Most of the messages were written in extra large soft colored print. Not only am I humbled by the show of support but I hadn't thought of giving my sore eyes a break with a lighter color print. Purple seems to be particularly soothing. I did figure out the big part on my own. 22 Tahoma is just the ticket for composing. I'm hoping to get to work on my stories this weekend. With just a little luck, I may have enough to post on Monday or Tuesday.

Thank you to all you great folks who keep reading the works of writers like me. Your thoughts and support mean more than you know!

ps get your eyes checked regularly

Phair, my good wishes are sent! Hoping for the best.

Okay all, preparing for back to work after a long and productive weekend. May you all enjoy your update!


Saturday, May 30, 2009

Carpet Cleaning Day!

The carpet cleaner did a great job. Every carpeted room has been scrubbed except for the room containing the spare bed and E's many CDs. I'll tackle that one next week. Since we need to sort through some things in there it'll be a more involved process. Today's merely entailed moving, vacuuming and running the carpet cleaner.

The rest of the day holds a visit to the skateboard park for me and Cal. E will stay home and do bills. Not fun. Sadly something I need to do this weekend as well since I just got paid. After last weekend's sleeping in the tent fun I'm happy to be tackling carpets and money.


Friday, May 29, 2009


The weekend is here and just in time. The sun continues to shine. Our house was power-washed yesterday getting ready for a nifty new coat of paint on Monday. Hence cleaning is ongoing in and out.

I am home a bit early to get this update posted so we can move furniture out of this room to begin the carpet cleaning fun. Tamara seems okay with it and that is probably best since it is so not my favorite thing to accomplish. I will do the yard work and leave her to the carpets.

So here is your update as I am now off to move furniture about. Enjoy your weekend!


Thursday, May 28, 2009

Four Day Work Week

Why do four day weeks seem so long? Mine has been full of clothes changing. My charge at school has a bug that has left him a little loose. It's hard to explain to him that when he feels the need to pass gas, he should make sure he's on the pot. He is instead surprised by a pressing need for a trip to the shower. Today is the first day his appetite has been back so I'm hopeful he's on the mend.

Tomorrow is finally Friday and I can't believe I'm even looking forward to a weekend with carpet cleaning on the agenda. Of course, I'm the one who was excited about using the new vacuum cleaner (an Oreck!). I reckon it's not odd that the prospect of figuring out the new carpet cleaner seems fun.


Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Thanks to all YOU folks - but not to CA.

Quick message from last night's guest Rambler - Joan - Could you please let your readers know that I will respond to their mails individually, but that it will take me some time. I hope to catch up over the coming weekend.

Thanks to all of you for responding so positively to her. I knew you were all good folk and you wouldn't let us down.

Unlike the CA Supreme Court. I was preparing a good long rant about separate not being equal, the stupidity of saying it's illegal now but those who already made it can stay married, the ridiculous idea that a constitution should be or could be amended to take away a right, and the dangers of saying "it's the will of the people" and allowing the majority to decide the rights (or lack of them) of the minority. After all - the will of the people put Hitler in power. The will of the people said that African-Americans should drink at separate water fountains, ride at the back of the bus and OMG never be allowed to marry white folks. Johnson forced the equal rights legislation through in spite of the will of the people, knowing what it would cost him.

Then I stopped an thought again. Maybe the CA SC knows exactly what it's doing. The situation now is so stupid that pretty much the only thing that makes sense is for federal government to step in, repeal DOMA and sort the whole thing out on a national level. Maybe they're not so daft after all. I wonder if Obama has as much determination & courage as Johnson. Or will he just keep backing away. Until he needs the Gay vote again in 2011. I'll keep watching.

Enjoy your updates. Good night and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, May 26, 2009


It's a strange thing, courage. Difficult to define but you know it when you see it. I'm not rambling tonight. I'm handing you over to a guest rambler. This is a note from Joan. A very courageous woman. Not just for this post but for making the journey.

The Take of a Transwoman

Hiya all you ladies out there,

I guess that most of the readers of this page are lesbians, dykes,
butches, femmes... (the occasional, and hopefully friendly male
reader be welcome as well), so you probably know how serious
coming out can be. Some of you may have had a surprisingly smooth
ride, others may have had it real rough, and some may have decided
to stay closeted for the foreseeable future.

There was no choice for me. Having to reverse everything that made
up my life until the fateful day that I could no longer fight what
my soul had been telling me for years -- that I am in fact a woman --
could not be kept in the dark. In fact, the law (in the place where
I live, Germany) demands that you go public, for at least 18 months
living as a woman, before you can even consider "sex affirmation
surgery" and the corresponding status change. Just imagine the faces
of my colleagues when I first turned up in a dress...

However, the term "transsexuality" does not really describe what's
going on in a person (and, yes, me) going through that loss of an
entire life and struggling to live up to a new identity that was
there all along, but had never been acted out, or at most
surreptitiously, and with lots of guilt and shame. It may just be
me, but "transidentity" describes it much better. Yes, sexuality
is a major part of it, but the way of thinking, the attitude towards
living are much larger parts of the process.

Or, on a lighter note, I now have 11 pairs of shoes (ballerina flats,
pumps, boots, and a pair of sandalets with two-inch heels -- hell,
it's not even easy to get those when you wear size 9.5 (UK)).

OK, I took a roundabout way to get to what might be interesting in
the context of this site: Do you think that a transwoman can write
stories "for the ladies"? I certainly try, and to come out as a
"translesbian" will give me no headache whatsoever. I am that.

The acceptance has been varied, though. When I submitted "Shell"
(btw my only story to make that topic -- well, a topic) to another
site that had published a few of my stories, that eventually led to
all of them being removed from that site. That's OK, it's their
site to begin with, so they get to tell what they do or don't want.
What irks me, is that they obviously had a problem with me being what
I am. But I must also mention my South African pen pal, who had no
problem at all with my coming out to her.

So what's your take? I'm donning my flame-proof underwear...

Joan Arling

Contact Joan and let her know how much you appreciate her courage. And read her stories HERE


Monday, May 25, 2009

Monday already?

I hate it when long weekends don't actually feel longer. We're home with laundry started and more to follow over the next couple days. Cats were happy to see us...I think (who knows, they're cats). I know I'm happy to be home and look forward to sleeping in my own bed.

The tent experience went better than I thought, however even with that said I can't say I got great sleep. I did get some so that was a plus. I also spent serious time on the beach and seeing sea-life I've never seen outside of a aquarium before. That was splendid. The bald eagles, blue jays, gray herons, hummingbirds and other various birds were spectacular as well.

Now back to home. Loads to unpack. And, of course, laundry. But I'm one of the lucky few as tomorrow is another day off for me. While Tamara and the boys go back to the usual grind, my daughter and I will sleep in and putz around the rest of the day before going back to the shortened work week.

Another highlight of our weekend was sunshine. For the whole thing. That in and of itself is rare around here. Hence my luck is up, time to buy those lotto tickets.

Now back to your regularly scheduled fun. Enjoy the update.


Sunday, May 24, 2009

My Buddy the Pee Bucket

Our night in the tent went better than expected. Shock of shocks I wasn't the one who was cold...E was. A quick application of the sleep socks I brought warmed her right up and by morning she was throwing off covers because she was too warm. Now *that's* what I'm used to.

I did make ample use of my bucket last night. Trying not to fall while navigating a tent full of air mattresses woke me right up every time so I'm not sure I really saved myself much sleep. Ah well, I'll do it again tonight and it's nice to know that if we ever decide to camp for real I'll always have the bucket.

Today we spent the morning beach combing then took a short trip into Olympia to visit their Farmer's Market. Being us we took a ton of pictures at the beach. More will be coming back in a few hours (kids have the cameras) but if you're interested, email Elisa for a link to the pics. She joined a new picture posting place where you don't have to login to view the pictures.


Saturday, May 23, 2009

Quick One Tonight

We made it to grandpa's, some computer issues are making Tamara happy, hence you may get stuck with me for a few days.

Enjoy the update!


Friday, May 22, 2009

Wish Me Luck

It's Memorial Day weekend here in the States. If we were back in Oklahoma we'd head to my aunt Gail's for a cookout on Sunday. Flowers would be placed on my grandparents' grave at Ft. Sill. We would also visit my other grandfather's grave and also place flowers. The kids would most likely swim because it'll probably be godawful hot in Lawton.

Since the Hodge Lodge is now in Washington we're heading to little e's grandpa's house on Puget Sound for a long weekend. We'll be sleeping in tents in their backyard. I'm taking a big bucket for the umpteen jillion times I'll have to get up to pee in the middle of the night. The trek to the bathroom that many times in the 40 degree weather didn't sound appealing. Add to that I always seem to rouse their two dogs who sometimes bark at me. I'll brave the bucket, thank you very much.


Thursday, May 21, 2009

How many days until Friday?

Some weeks drag a bit more than others. This one...not sure I can say it dragged in the slow sense, but dammit it sure has felt long. One more day and a nifty long weekend awaits.

Even better is our sun has returned and is forecast to stay for a few days, which will make our voyage down to grandpa's (on the water) a much more pleasant weekend experience.

Now back to your update, enjoy.


p.s. I'm still waiting for some rambles...anyone out there?

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


For a while there I thought I wasn't going to be able to update tonight. I couldn't log-in to Yahoo. I sat there for about 20 minutes while the little circle whirled and the legend at the bottom of the page announced "waiting for b s serving system" and I thought to myself "It's a b s system all right, no lie there." Eventually I switched off and went away & made a coffee and left it for half-an-hour before trying again. This time it worked so here I am. Driving you all to drink. Or something.

Hey, did you know lamp-posts can leap out at you & trip you up?? They can. Honest. One did just that to me today. Made me bang my knee something chronic!! Well, ok. Maybe it didn't exactly leap out at me. Maybe it was sort of my fault because I was walking the line and watching my feet and not my direction so I didn't see it in time. But it still did it on purpose. And I'm positive I heard it laughing at me as I limped away. Yes, inanimate objects can laugh. And they do deliberately set out to "get" humans. They have it in for us. Honest they do. Especially pens. They hate us. They deliberately hide so as to drive us insane. You watch, next time you put a pen down and turn your back, then turn back.. Poof!! It's gone. It's hiding. Listen hard & you can hear it laughing at you.

On that note I'll bid you good night. See you next week and may your God/s go with you. Enjoy your reading.


Tuesday, May 19, 2009


I have got to stop doing so much overtime. I'm so tired I'm practically sleepwalking by the time I get home. I even said "g'night" to the bus driver as I alighted this evening, I'm that tired. He must have thought I'd lost my marbles. At least we've finished the outsides and are now working indoors (just as well since it seems to be monsoon season this week). Which means I'm working at my trade rather than doing general building work. So I'm not in any danger (touch wood when you tempt fate like that!!) of accidents requiring hospital visits since paintbrushes aren't usually considered dangerous. Well... in my hands even a bean-sprout can become a lethal weapon so maybe I'd better not say things like that.

It's all the fault of the greedy bankers & stockbrokers. The ones who pushed for the removal of rules & regulations on financial trading and caused this flamin' recession. They're the ones who made the pound fall like crazy against the dollar and so pushed airfares up!! I've been saving up to visit E & Tamara. Last year I would have needed 450 quid for the airfare - this year I need 700. I'm almost there. Another week should do it. Then I'll need to start saving for spending money. Damned if I'm doing overtime for that though. I'll scrape it out of my normal wages.


Monday, May 18, 2009

The Week Begins

Home from work after a day that went pretty well considering it's Monday. Our weekend was relaxing. I managed to get the van cleaned out on Saturday. Sunday it was christened by not one but two spills. One was from Duncan. The cup holders in the back aren't the best for keeping cups upright when I take a sharp turn.

The best spill happened, however, when E popped the lid off of her Slurpee...while she was driving. Slurpee went in her lap and all over her hand. She was mightily pissed off but I thought it was kind of funny. She made enough of a mess on herself she required a complete change of clothes and a shower. I know E was mortified that she also spilled in my clean car but it was nice to know my klutzy son wasn't alone.


Sunday, May 17, 2009

Couple of Announcements

First up a quick note that phair is in the midst of not one but two new stories. She has herself on a tight schedule as she's been updating both stories twice a week. Let her know your thoughts!

Secondly a new Kris Dresen short is now available for purchase. Check out the site for more details. A reasonable price for something different from an excellent artist.

A reminder to everyone, if you feel like sharing, please let us know. We are always looking for guest rambles.

Now back to your updates enjoy!


Saturday, May 16, 2009

A Weekend of Sunshine

Tamara is currently taking advantage of the splendid weather. Her van is getting a good cleaning since with the upcoming long weekend (Memorial Day in the USA) we'll pack that beast up with kids, dogs and plenty of stuff and head off to grandpa's on the beach.

I do have all the doors and windows open with fresh air pouring through the house as I slowly trudge through laundry. I, however, am more of a slug and planning on taking a little nap. My cold, which has been taunting me all week, has finally taken hold leaving me feeling crappy.

So on to your update, enjoy!


Friday, May 15, 2009

Another school week down...

...and no new bruises. Yippee! The weather was absolutely beautiful today. The student garden is looking pretty good. Now if we can just get the kids to eat those brussels sprouts that someone planted. Not sure who thought that was a good idea. Oh well, there are a ton of strawberry plants and all of the kids love those.

Tonight we're shopping and dining at Costco. I love not having to cook dinner. The weekend looks good for weather and I'm hopeful that I can get the van cleaned out. It always takes a couple of hours to really scour and sweep and clean that thing. Then I'll be bitchy for two weeks trying to keep it that way.

Y'all enjoy 'em!


Thursday, May 14, 2009


All three of us at Uber Etc recommend (and I think highly) that if you have the funds, get to a movie theater showing Star Trek. Unlike both Tamara and Ze I was never a huge fan of the original series, however without hesitation I can say this movie was fun and lots of it! I totally look forward to more of them. I also believe these movies were meant for the big screen, so go enjoy if able.

Now on a different note S. Derkins emailed me and wanted us to post that she is having serious computer issues, hence is unable to post at her current site but is posting here until she gets it all worked out.

Okay, time to get to it. Large one for ya, thanks to P&P. Enjoy!


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Great film!!

Star Trek was bloody fantastic. Yes, I was a little upset by some of the changes in back-story, origins, etc. (And I'm pretty sure they couldn't have done it if Majel Barrett had still been alive.) But old Spock explained it all quite nicely so I could accept it and get on with enjoying a cracking good sci-fi adventure.

Karl Urban was (as expected) excellent as a younger McCoy. Utterly believable. Zachary Quinto was amazing as the young Spock. And Chris Pine did a damn' fine job with Kirk. All of them believable as the young versions of those well-known characters. (Within the aforementioned reservations regarding back-story). Simon Pegg was good - he wasn't really Scotty - but he was good anyway. And was Chekov really that young?? The only character, in fact, who didn't ring true as the younger version of a much-loved original was Uhuru. Nice actress, very cute, strips down verrrry nicely - but she just wasn't Uhuru.

And the Enterprise. Oh yeah - brilliant. Perfect. It was the NCC - 1701. No question. The whole thing was so damn' good it almost made up for the embarrassment of a few of the earlier movies (I'm looking at you Final Frontier and Nemesis!!)

Trekkie or not Trekkie - if you like sci-fi action adventure - go see this flick - you will not be disappointed.

Enjoy your updates (lot of Buffy tonight) good night and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Beyond Tired

So tired I can't even think what my name is. The last four work days have been ten-hour days with only Sunday off over the weekend - and I dug over our garden on Sunday. I'm too tired to stand up right now. In fact if I hadn't been doing this tonight I'd have been in bed an hour ago - and I never go to bed before midnight!! I'm only working 7 hours tomorrow . In the evening I'm supposed to be going to the pictures (movies) to see the new Trek film. I'm a bit apprehensive because from reviews I've read they seem to have ret-conned a lot. I'll give it a go though. That's if I don't fall asleep half-way through. I'll let you know tomorrow night what I think of it. If I'm lucky I may even be awake enough to be more entertaining than I am tonight.

Enjoy your updates - I'm for bed.


Monday, May 11, 2009

Not Just Buffy!

The start of another lovely Spring week here in Shoreline and you're getting variety for reading material. Y'all enjoy the update.


p.s. Saw the new Trek film on Mother's Day and it was a blast. If you're a fan of the genre, go see it.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Announcement Night

Jo shares more with us.
The LESBIAN FICTION READERS CHOICE AWARDS were started in 2007 to provide the readers of lesbian fiction a voice. We are extremely proud to say that the readers continue to respond. In our third award period, our members nominated 76 books representing 67 writers.

We are very pleased to announce the results of the 2008 Lesbian Fiction Readers Choice Awards.

In alphabetical order, the Readers' Favorites are:

2008 Favorite Writer:
  • L-J Baker
  • Gerri Hill
  • KG MacGregor
  • Radclyffe
  • Ali Vali
2008 Favorite Speculative Fiction/Science Fiction/Fantasy Book:
  • Adijan and Her Genie - L-J Baker
  • On Azrael's Wings - D. Jordan Redhawk
  • Shadow of the Knife - Jane Fletcher
  • Storm - Kim Pritekel
  • Truth Behind the Mask - Lesley Davis
2008 Favorite Romance Book:
  • Blessed Twice - Lynn Galli
  • Deal with the Devil - Ali Vali
  • Fast Break - Mickey Minner
  • Night Call - Radclyffe
  • The Kiss That Counted - Karin Kallmaker
  • The Lonely Hearts Club - Radclyffe
2008 Favorite Humor/Comedy Book:
  • Dresses and Other Catastrophes - Dani O'Connor
  • Made For You - Geneva St James
  • Once - L.T. Smith
2008 Favorite Erotica Book:
  • Blood and Mint Chocolates - Adrienne Brennan
  • In Deep Waters 2: Cruising the Strip - Radclyffe/Karin Kallmaker
  • Lipstick on Her Collar - Sacchi Green/Rakelle Valencia
  • Periphery: Erotic Lesbian Futures - Lynne Jamneck (editor)
  • Thirteen Hours - Meghan O'Brien
2008 Favorite Anthology:
  • A Little Book of Big Christmas Tales - Anne Azel
  • Best Lesbian Love Stories 2009 - Simone Thorne (editor)
  • Chilling Tales of Terror and the Supernatural - Patty G. Henderson (editor)
  • Island Girls - Simone Thorne (editor)
  • Toe to Toe: Standing Tall and Proud - C Tierney (editor)
  • Wetter - Nicole Foster (editor)
2008 Favorite Mystery Book:
  • Calling the Dead - Ali Vali
  • Hotel Liaison - JLee Meyer
  • Land of Entrapment - Andi Marquette
  • Partners - Gerri Hill
  • Secrets So Deep - KG MacGregor
2008 Favorite Adventure Book:
  • A Pirate's Heart - Catherine Friend
  • Branded Ann - Merry Shannon
  • Lethal Affairs - Kim Baldwin/Xenia Alexiou
  • Fast Break - Mickey Minner
  • The Sea Captain and The Lady - Vada Foster
  • To Hold Forever - Carrie Carr
The LESBIAN FICTION READERS CHOICE AWARDS are not just about awards. Activities are planned year-round to provide readers a voice. Regular features will include Reader Interviews and Rate That Book polls. The LFRCA is open to any reader of Lesbian Fiction and joining is easy. For more information on the LFRCA or to join in the fun, go to:

Thank you.

Jo Fothergill
LFRCA Administrator
There you have it. Lots to read and check out. They are always interested in more folks joining in, so give it a try.

Back to your update, enjoy!


Saturday, May 09, 2009

Sunny(dale) Saturday

Chore day for us. I did manage to make a quick trip to a local comic book/toy show. I limited myself on expenditures but I saw many keen 100 page DC issues. Maybe next time....

It's been awhile but we've got an all Buffy day for y'all. Keep your fingers crossed for more variety tomorrow.
