Wednesday, February 04, 2009


Snow's gone. Doesn't last long here. It sleeted then it rained and and everything melted. But not me - just in case you were wondering *g*. It's around 2c now so I expect it'll rain all night. The ice melting of course means that I remained on my feet and uninjured all day. (Touch wood, the day's not quite over and you know what they say about accidents in the home...) Watched the (delayed because of the weather) first night of the ENO's new production of La Boheme, broadcast live from the Coli, this evening. Excellent production. I do like Jonathan Miller's style.

Not much else to say this evening. Nothing much has happened today. I haven't even been shopping yet. Supermarket run is tomorrow afternoon as I have the day off (got a medical in the morning). No, I'm not going to Tesco. So since there's nowt more to say about owt I'll leave you with a joke - one I posted in my blog a while back (please don't yell at me for making able-ist jokes).

Did you hear about the dyslexic devil worshipper?? He sold his soul to Santa.


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