Thursday, February 05, 2009


...a work improvement process (thank you, Toyota). Wonder if someday in the dictionary that will mean the same as "restructuring" or also known in my world as layoffs. Currently my place of employment has been going through the "Lean" process. Last year it made my division 165 people leaner. I'm not sure they felt leaner, but I bet their dinner table did.

I'm feeling lucky (in this economy) to have a job and also to know my division has already been leaned. Sadly this week I'm watching some other areas go through the process. It doesn't look good for more folks who will definitely join the ranks of those less than lucky.

All along they (leadership) keep sending out these nifty reminders about how we need to keep on moving and see that it's all for the better. That view isn't always clear to me. They released a new survey today with the hopes of figuring out why the morale seems to have slipped among us lucky ones. I wonder how many will dare to actually fill it out? It's bar coded with individual codes by employee, somehow their reassurances that all answers are private does not make me want to tell them what I really think. I need to stay lucky. My new mortgage lender Chase (after WAMU got sucked up) would appreciate me keeping my job as would I. Instead I will be a good minion and put forth the smile and say "Yes, sir I would like another helping".

On that note, I wish you all Health, Happiness and Prosperity in our challenging economic times. Back to the lighter stuff in life, enjoy the updates!


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