Saturday, February 14, 2009

V Day

So it's Valentine's Day...a holiday my cynical side knows was created to help the tradtional February slump in retail. Unfortunately E loves it.

Let me preface this little tale by saying that chicks are weird. I know, I am one. I can be moody and emotional about odd things. Many times Mike went away shaking his head thinking 'What the...?' How do I know this? Because now I've experienced it. I have more respect for his ability to handle my chick weirdness.

Yesterday after work I dropped Cal off at his dad's and took the opportunity to pick up a pot of tulips for E for Valentine's Day. She loves flowers. She loved these tulips when we saw them at Sam's but I convinced her not to buy them with the idea that I could go back later and voila! my Valentine's Day would be saved. While at Sam's I picked up a few items for our Winter Break trip with the kids.

I got home and E (who was already a tiny bit annoyed with me thanks to a little disagreement we'd had the night before) saw what I brought in and knew I went to Sam's. E loves to go to Sam's. To say she was miffed I didn't take her with me would be an understatement.

When she headed over to the other house with the gal who's going to take care of the cats and Max while we're gone (Mike's work schedule is too unpredictable) I marched out to the van and brought in those damn tulips. I plopped them right in her chair too. Damn chick weirdness spoiled my surprise for Valentine's Day.

Today we planned on getting Joan Opyr's new book signed at the Seattle Mystery Bookshop. Alas, Joan had to cancel (feel better soon, Melinda!) and neither one of us checked the site before we braved Seattle traffic. We did walk away with her new book and two others to add to my to read stack.

All in all not a bad Valentine's Day.


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