Saturday, February 28, 2009


...that sounds good and Tamara and I got a start on it, but hey plenty left to do. Today we tackled the two car garage that was full and I do mean full of boxes. Some filled with packing paper, some filled with garage and tools, some filled with toys, and some filled with household items we wanted to keep but left packed up. There is a lot of stuff in that garage and I'm not sure there's any less now, but it's much more manageable to see and figure out what needs to be gone through and what's waiting for the next move. Eeek! Lots of work ahead.

Well, now that I'm very tired and yet still need to get to Safeway and Costco one must keep on movin'. Enjoy the updates.


Friday, February 27, 2009

Yay Friday!

Long day for me. I'm so glad it's Friday. I know E feels the same. She's off to a play at the Seattle Children's Theatre so getting to bed early won't be happening for her. I'll probably be curled up watching an episode of Lois & Clark when she comes in.

Before that the kids and I will be heading to the comic store and Target to pick up the newest Futurama movie. I'm sure I'll be roped into watching it but that doesn't mean I can't read a few comics at the same time.

Enjoy your updates!


Thursday, February 26, 2009

Spring Anyone?

I'm so ready for Spring. Actually I'm ready for NO MORE SNOW! Even the bit we got today, which has already melted off, irritated me. I just want Spring to

Hence, out of words, tired and ready for something else. Grumpy has spoken...time for your updates, enjoy.


Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Still planting

Apple trees that is. I only got one (sort of) offer of a massage after last week's request. Unfortunately there's an ocean in the way of my taking it up. At least I've got used to the digging and I don't ache quite so much. The sad thing about planting all these tiny little saplings is that they won't be ready for much for at least ten years or so. They should produce some good cider by then. That's cider in the European sense not the American. Over here cider is an alcoholic drink. It has as high - or frequently a higher (up to 8 or 9%) - alcohol content than most beers. There used to be a local sport here of feed the grockle (tourist) two pints of scrumpy (farm cider) then watch them try and walk. I know, I've been a victim of it. They don't seem to do it as much now. Probably because there isn't as much real farm cider around. That's a result this modern habit of mass-produced, ultra-sterilised, must-all-be-the-same, commercialisation. Real cider isn't clear, it's cloudy, it has bits in it and the big bits hunt the little bits.

Ting Tong. A reader came up with a suggestion of its origins. Apparently there's a Ting Tong Gate in Wales and it's a corruption of Dan-tung (upon oath). The gate stood where the tenants of the manor gave their fealty oath and paid their fealty rent. Since the language of the Dumnonii and Cornovii eventually became Cornish which is cousin to Welsh (and mutually intelligible) it seems pretty likely that the Exmouth Ting Tong might be the same. Fantastic. Been driving me nuts for over ten years trying to find the roots of that. Thanks Laurie!!


Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Wonderful stuff isn't it?? Usage, variations, dialects, history, all interesting. I was re-reading a book the other day which contains a description of a cycle ride from San Francisco to Los Angeles. At one point along the road they come to a place named Heartbreak Hill. Every time I read it I wonder about that. How did it get its name?? Who named it and why?? I wonder if it was gold miners, hoping for a big killing, bitterly disappointed by finding nothing. Or maybe settlers having spent months, years even, crossing from coast to coast in a wagon in search of a better life and finding only barren soil and harsh coastline. I know I could look it up and maybe find out but I don't want to - just in case it's named for a totally boring reason.

Place names are truly fascinating though. They tell the history of a country far better than any book. When I lived in Essex there were a couple of villages not far away with wonderful names; Cold Christmas (I wondered if was), and Good Easter, imagine being able to tell folk you live there. Most of the place names in England betray their Anglo-Saxon or Viking origins. Like Cheapside in London, cheap being the old word for a market. Or the village of Street in Somerset, street used to mean a clearing in the forest not a road (which also didn't mean road, although gate did mean road not gate - confused yet?? *g*). Not the river names though - they're much older. Take the city I now live in Exeter. Named for the river on which it stands, the Exe. Exe, like other rivers such as Usk, Uisk, Axe, Esk, Isk, is widely believed to be a corruption of the old Celtic isca - meaning water. The Roman name for Exeter reflected this - Isca Dumnoniorum, the river of the Dumnonii (the local tribe).

There are a couple of local roads with wonderful names but they drive me nuts. I can't find their origins anywhere and nobody locally seems to know. Which of course means I'm desperate to find out!! Their names... Inner Ting Tong and Outer Ting Tong. Where the hell do they come from. I reckon somebody in the planning department of the local council's having a laugh!!

I love language.


Monday, February 23, 2009

Back to It

Back to work for both of us this week. E is looking at a long, busy week catching up on all the problems she missed while she was gone. I'm looking at pretty much the same as before. A week off school doesn't throw the kids off too much. I think it's harder when it's a day here and a day there.

My kids now were another matter entirely. Duncan wasn't looking forward to his day. This morning he sounded as if he were being sent off to the big house. And Calvin is still young enough to like school but his behavior for me today was atrocious. I kept asking Duncan if they got to bed on time last night. Duncan assured me he did but Cal sure wasn't acting like a well-rested kid.

The funny thing about Cal is he can be a pain-in-the-butt, crying, the world hates me little shit one minute and the next he's fine. When I dropped him off at school he was back to his normal self. Nice to know he forgot that I'm the worst mom in the world. I'm sure it'll come back to him soon enough.


Sunday, February 22, 2009


Vacation is over. Tomorrow the kids head back to school and Tamara and I head back to work. I fear a long week ahead. Today we spent doing not much. As it should be. Tonight more of the same.

Oddly enough we have an update with no Buffy...shocking I know. So little here, hence enjoy it all!


Saturday, February 21, 2009

Chick Flick Saturday

I'm happy to report my birthday went quite well. The cake turned out great. Dinner was good. I went to bed feeling like my day was special. What could be better than that?

I also tacked on a request for today...E and I went to see He's Just Not That Into You. E has a fondness for chick flicks and we were taunted by the fact that this movie was showing at the small Icicle Inn theater in Leavenworth. However, with three kids in tow there was no opportunity to see it. Lucky for me Seattle likes those 10 am showtimes and our morning consisted of popcorn and heartwarming romance. If you're a fan of the genre, check this one out. I think you'll like it.


Friday, February 20, 2009

Tamara's Birthday Today!

Tamara is finally catching up with me age wise...sadly not completely. With her birthday here, I spent the afternoon making German Chocolate cake from scratch. Way too many steps, but for her it's all worth it. Her favorite dessert and tonight we go out to dinner, her choice. Since Tamara does the majority of cooking around here it only seemed fair she get the day off completely. So today we even went out for lunch, once again she chose. And we all went to Taco Time, one of her Seattle favorites, even though I think her Oklahoma Taco Bueno was better.

We arrived home yesterday to a happy dog, cats and a pile of laundry. On our way home though we did stop in the town of Monroe to see the Reptile Zoo (if interested holler, I took a ton of pictures I can share). I think we all thought this place was darn fun.

So other than that back to the basics we go. Enjoy those updates!


Thursday, February 19, 2009

Home Again

We're back from Leavenworth. The kids had fun. Nobody committed murder (although it was close a few times). The cats and Max are happy to see us back. And I'm pooped. I'm also kicking myself for promising evil fried chicken for dinner tonight.


Wednesday, February 18, 2009


That's the sound of me re-acquainting myself with a bunch of muscles I haven't used in a while. Why?? Work. There was not much around this week. No painting & decorating gigs. No other construction work (at least none for sub-contractors)even with my site cert back. The agency had a choice of two casual vacancies. Potato planting or two weeks of orchard work.

I've done potato planting before and wasn't impressed. It's not quite as bad as swede-topping but it sure runs close. So I said yes to the orchard work.


The orchard work comprises planting apple trees. Baby ones to be true. But they still need a hole dug for each tree that's a metre across and a spit deep. (A spit is the length of a spade's blade). There are two hectares (about 8 acres) needing to be planted with trees. My arms are fine - I'm used to manual labour. My legs are fine, I run and I walk a lot. My back though... my back is killing me. And it's only Wednesday. There's another 7 days of this.. . anybody wanna give me a massage??


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Stealing is Wrong

Sometimes it's necessary. If you're starving and you steal bread to eat, for instance. It's still wrong. Understandable, forgiveable, excusable even, but wrong. Most times stealing is neither necessary nor justifiable.

Today I'm going to rant rather than amuse you with the catastrophe that is often so much a part of my everyday existence. My rant is about theft. Not the theft of money, food or tangible property. No - it's about the theft of words. Of somebody else's hard work and creativity. It's about plagiarism. I'm not talking about ideas. Nor am I talking about plots. There really are no original plots. Even Shakespeare used second-hand ideas. And who doesn't understand that West Side Story is just Romeo & Juliet with better tunes?? Nor am I referring to accidentally using a phrase or a couple of lines that you heard somewhere and you loved but can't remember where you heard it or don't remember that it isn't yours. Nor even when you adapt it for yourself and acknowledge your source (I've done that myself - and so has a very well-known writer of Lesbian romance, who wrote her own Jane Austen-style fanfic. *g*). I don't mean things like fanfiction where you borrow somebody else's characters and write your story round them either. Sure - that's copyright infringement but the plots are your own and the words are your own.

No, what I'm talking about is the wholesale word-for-word theft of another's work. Newsflash - copy-and-paste is not "research".

I've seen several incidences of it on the web. And there have even been some quite astonishing occurrences in printed books - sometimes a thief has been idiotic enough to rip off a really famous writer. Are they nuts?? Did they think they wouldn't get caught?? Or did they just not care?? The world is vast but the web brings us together. If you steal you will be caught. So why do it?? And when you are caught why on earth would you plead ignorance?? Say you didn't do it?? Or act as if it doesn't matter?? And more to the point why do other people act as if it doesn't matter?? As if the writer who has had their hard work stolen shouldn't be so hard on the thief??

It matters.

If someone takes your ipod and then justifies it by saying that they didn't realise it was your ipod and anyway that it's your fault for leaving your ipod where they could take it - would you say "oh well, never mind"?? Or would you tear them off a strip?? Well my thoughts, my words, my stories, my soul on view to you, would matter a hell of a lot more to me than my ipod and that is the same for every writer.

And, if you do this, if you steal another's work, how can you sit there and receive praise for your writing - praise that you know is not yours by right?? How can you feel good about yourself when you know what you've done?? I just don't get it. How can you derive any sense of achievement from having your name on work you know isn't yours?? What on earth is the point??

Plagiarism is theft. Theft is wrong. Thieves are worthless. It's that simple.


Monday, February 16, 2009

An Invitation from phair

We made it safely...more later. Tonight we're lucky once again to have phair share with us.
Think of this as an invitation.

Folks on my mailing list, in my address book, family, friends, and unfortunate souls who've crossed my path in the last week have already heard my pitch and now it's your turn.

I would like to invite all of you to participate in my new writing piece, The Shipwrecked Project.

Two years ago I did an interactive piece about Hope.  But, like all my work to date, it was a fleeting moment in time which resolved over the course of a year.  This project has potential to be something more lasting and much more fluid.  

The project is an attempt to connect writing the act, the writer, and reader in real time as it happens.  The Shipwrecked Project truly is the heart of collaboration. 

Below is the premise:
1. I write 1 -5 words as the first line of a poem and post it on my site next to a pic of my 'home' (the soul of the word and not a structure).
2. I email those words and picture to one of those who volunteered to take part in the project.
3. That person replies by writing 1-5 words as the next line of the poem and takes a picture of their 'home' to email back to me for posting with their name and general location.  It would be cool if their pic used my pic as a prop for a unifying theme (it is the message in the bottle, as it were).
4. Steps #2 and #3 are repeated with everybody who wants to participate.

None of us knows how the poem will flow or when it will end.  Writer becomes reader and reader becomes writer and we make our world of isolation a little smaller and friendlier.   

If you want to participate but don't think you can write 'anything,' I can help you get there.  In every soul sleeps a poet.  Some of us just need encouragement.

If you want to participate but don't have access to a digital camera, email me for a way around it.

Time committment should be no more than two hours and cost should be nothing. 

Pay off is you get writing creds!  You also get to participate in something that, I think, hasn't been done before.

If you're interested, email me.

If you're not that's okay too.

*I do reserve the right to refuse inappropriate material.  Pic's need to be clean, nothing obscene will be accepted.

Thanks for listening and considering and just for being.

aka mullaney

Interesting, I may have to play this game, any other takers? Could be fun.

Enjoy your updates!


Sunday, February 15, 2009


I do love them and the pot I received yesterday will be enjoyed while they're blooming. Once spring truly arrives they'll happily be transplanted into some dirt outside.

Tamara's ramble yesterday left me laughing due to its reality plus a view that's slightly different from mine of course. We're each unique with those different perspectives. The chicks are weird statement is most likely true, but isn't everyone a bit weird? Yes, chicks have some oddities and I know men have a few too, hence that I'll let go of.

I hope you all had a great weekend. Tamara, kids and I head to the mountains tomorrow. Like we haven't see enough snow this year. Earlier we had planned the mid-winter school break in Leavenworth, WA a nifty small town set in the cascade range where we'll see some snow. We rented a condo with an outdoor hot tub and an indoor pool. Plenty of stuff to keep the kiddos busy for our four days. With that in mind tomorrow is a travel day, so expect the update to be a little later.

Until then, y'all enjoy the updates!


Saturday, February 14, 2009

V Day

So it's Valentine's Day...a holiday my cynical side knows was created to help the tradtional February slump in retail. Unfortunately E loves it.

Let me preface this little tale by saying that chicks are weird. I know, I am one. I can be moody and emotional about odd things. Many times Mike went away shaking his head thinking 'What the...?' How do I know this? Because now I've experienced it. I have more respect for his ability to handle my chick weirdness.

Yesterday after work I dropped Cal off at his dad's and took the opportunity to pick up a pot of tulips for E for Valentine's Day. She loves flowers. She loved these tulips when we saw them at Sam's but I convinced her not to buy them with the idea that I could go back later and voila! my Valentine's Day would be saved. While at Sam's I picked up a few items for our Winter Break trip with the kids.

I got home and E (who was already a tiny bit annoyed with me thanks to a little disagreement we'd had the night before) saw what I brought in and knew I went to Sam's. E loves to go to Sam's. To say she was miffed I didn't take her with me would be an understatement.

When she headed over to the other house with the gal who's going to take care of the cats and Max while we're gone (Mike's work schedule is too unpredictable) I marched out to the van and brought in those damn tulips. I plopped them right in her chair too. Damn chick weirdness spoiled my surprise for Valentine's Day.

Today we planned on getting Joan Opyr's new book signed at the Seattle Mystery Bookshop. Alas, Joan had to cancel (feel better soon, Melinda!) and neither one of us checked the site before we braved Seattle traffic. We did walk away with her new book and two others to add to my to read stack.

All in all not a bad Valentine's Day.


Friday, February 13, 2009

Friday the 13th

Is this a day of luck? Well for me it is the Friday before vacation, so it seemed to run slowly, finally home. A long weekend lies ahead. Organize and pack for our trip with the kids next week.

Now back to your regularly scheduled programming.


Thursday, February 12, 2009


An afternoon spent chasing and redirecting a sixteen year old boy has left me pooped. So pooped that I'm bailing on cooking dinner tonight. We're going out. Enjoy the updates!


Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Bet you were wondering if I was going to update or not tonight. I'm a bit late I know. I've only just got back. I went out to dinner (Hummus to start and then pasta in a sun-dried tomato sauce, in case you were interested) and then we watched the England football team put up a totally pathetic showing against an excellent Spain. Depressing. Or it would be if I hadn't had a spot of good news today to chase away the blues. Actually it's such good news that it almost deserves upper case - Good News!!

I got the results back from the medical I had last week - it was a government-type medical. To be specific it was a medical in relation to the Construction Industry Training Board. I passed. I got my site safety cert back. I can work the high stuff again. Allll Riiiight!! Skip, skip, shuffle, hop, shuffle, skip, wiggle. That's the happy worker dance. No laughing at the back if you please!! Of course there's a world-wide depression raging which has crippled the construction industry so badly that you might as well hang any shares you have in those companies on a nail in the carsey. Nobody is hiring self-employed sub-contractors and they're laying off employed workers by the score. But I won't let that dampen my spirits. When it all picks up I'll be there - hard-hat on and waiting.

I hope you all remain employed in this time. And if we have any Aussie readers I hope and pray that you and yours are safe from these dreadful fires.

May your God/s be with you.


Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Almost forgot it was my night to do this. What with blizzards, between 30 and 50cm of snow settling, power cuts and now floods caused by a rapid thaw and 24 hours of rain, not to mention wrestling with writer's block, I don't know if I'm Arthur or Martha tonight. These are the conditions which make the average Brit comment, "lot of weather about lately". So I'm kind of stuck for words. With luck my mind will be working with it's usual torturous twist & turns tomorrow and I can say something intelligent to you. Or if I can't manage intelligent I'll settle for entertaining


Monday, February 09, 2009

What did we wake up to?

A small amount of snow. Just enough to make my daughter's school 2 hours late and allow her some extra sleep. Not the boys though, they got stuck going in at the usual time. Most of the snow has already melted off, but we are expecting a bit more tomorrow morning. We'll see, our forecasts have been known to be wrong before.

This weekend we did accomplish to get Tamara's new desktop computer set up, now she'll need to spend the hours getting it tweaked with all her favorites. This will include both bookmark and desktop computer issues plus actually the toys sitting around her keyboard and monitor.

Now back to what you most likely stopped by for, enjoy!


Sunday, February 08, 2009

Productive Weekend

My new computer space is almost ready. I've been operating on my laptop since the move but now my desktop is close to being set up. E and Duncan worked their butts off yesterday sorting drawers full of software and electronic gadgets (E loves gadgets). Duncan made off with some keen stuff as a result and now there's room for my desk. I wasn't pushing for this to get done but now that it's happening I'm pumped about setting up the new space.

This afternoon we're off to see Coraline. Then home to wind down and get ready for the last work week before Winter Break. Yay!


Saturday, February 07, 2009


Well, the weekend arrive and once more I will attempt to clean up the computer area. Today though I will get some help from Tamara and Duncan who has taken on the task of looking through my "gadget drawers". Most people have a drawer or two...I have many. And to say I enjoy purchasing crap is an understatement. I have more than a few gadgets that I'm sure I'll never use, but hey, you never know. All good deals or something splendid in the moment, which is now long gone by.

So large task ahead. Got luck? Send us some, we're going to need it.

Now enjoy those updates!


p.s. Good to see Max & Lily back. While not technically femslash, it's damn fun and by Kris Dresen. How can you go wrong?

Friday, February 06, 2009

Fabulous February

My week is done and I must say it went okay. Finally we had a full week with no interruptions for the kids. One more and then it's a week off for Winter Break. Ah least we don't have to mess with any of that half day nonsense.

Took my car today for its first visit to a Washington mechanic. The airbag light came on a few weeks ago and won't shut off. It's not life-threatening but since we're taking the van to Leavenworth in a week I figured for safety I should get it fixed. Fortunately I've got a really good warranty extension on the van and my cost will only be $50 to fix it. Yay!

This weekend we'll pick up chains for the tires. We may not need them but it's required to have them for travel in the mountains.

And finally a little announcement about Minerva's Yahoo group ( Minerva's muse is back and she's writing up a storm. Currently she's only posting to her group because she doesn't want to post unfinished stories to web sites. So if you've a hankerin' to read Minerva's new stuff now, join her group.


Thursday, February 05, 2009


...a work improvement process (thank you, Toyota). Wonder if someday in the dictionary that will mean the same as "restructuring" or also known in my world as layoffs. Currently my place of employment has been going through the "Lean" process. Last year it made my division 165 people leaner. I'm not sure they felt leaner, but I bet their dinner table did.

I'm feeling lucky (in this economy) to have a job and also to know my division has already been leaned. Sadly this week I'm watching some other areas go through the process. It doesn't look good for more folks who will definitely join the ranks of those less than lucky.

All along they (leadership) keep sending out these nifty reminders about how we need to keep on moving and see that it's all for the better. That view isn't always clear to me. They released a new survey today with the hopes of figuring out why the morale seems to have slipped among us lucky ones. I wonder how many will dare to actually fill it out? It's bar coded with individual codes by employee, somehow their reassurances that all answers are private does not make me want to tell them what I really think. I need to stay lucky. My new mortgage lender Chase (after WAMU got sucked up) would appreciate me keeping my job as would I. Instead I will be a good minion and put forth the smile and say "Yes, sir I would like another helping".

On that note, I wish you all Health, Happiness and Prosperity in our challenging economic times. Back to the lighter stuff in life, enjoy the updates!


Wednesday, February 04, 2009


Snow's gone. Doesn't last long here. It sleeted then it rained and and everything melted. But not me - just in case you were wondering *g*. It's around 2c now so I expect it'll rain all night. The ice melting of course means that I remained on my feet and uninjured all day. (Touch wood, the day's not quite over and you know what they say about accidents in the home...) Watched the (delayed because of the weather) first night of the ENO's new production of La Boheme, broadcast live from the Coli, this evening. Excellent production. I do like Jonathan Miller's style.

Not much else to say this evening. Nothing much has happened today. I haven't even been shopping yet. Supermarket run is tomorrow afternoon as I have the day off (got a medical in the morning). No, I'm not going to Tesco. So since there's nowt more to say about owt I'll leave you with a joke - one I posted in my blog a while back (please don't yell at me for making able-ist jokes).

Did you hear about the dyslexic devil worshipper?? He sold his soul to Santa.


Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Snow and stuff

Why was I complaining to my brother that we never get snow in the south-west of England?? Why did I say how beautiful snow is?? Why did I say I wanted some?? I know what snow's like. I used to live on the Essex coast. I remember the bitter winds blowing off the North Sea. I remember the blizzards. And not being able to get to work because the trains froze. And metre-long icicles hanging from the roof. And if there's one thing we Brits love to do it's grumble about the weather. So why did I tempt the fates??

It snowed over most of the UK yesterday and today. We had blizzards. In London they had 25cm of snow and my brother (a London bus driver) couldn't work, all the bus services were cancelled for safety reasons. Snow settled (it never does that!!) here in Devon - thick snow. In fact it's still sitting in my garden. 10cm (about 4 inches) of the stuff. Those countries that really get snow will be laughing at us because we can't cope with a few centimetres when they can handle 5 metres or so... but we're not used to it down here in dear ol' Deb'n. It's a bit like getting snow in Los Angeles...the palm trees in Torquay don't like it. People run around crying "the sky is falling".

Some of it melted earlier, where the sun shone on the pavements (sidewalks). It's below freezing now so by tomorrow those lovely wet pavements will be ice-rinks. Anybody wanna take bets on whether I can avoid a trip to A&E (ER) with a broken bone or two??

And I'm cold. **grumble**

But the good news is - I got my tax return filed in time. Yay!! No fines!!


NB - ivy_rachel is the name of a website and not an indication of the pairing. We don't post pairings info.

Monday, February 02, 2009


Must jet to pick up Cal. Enjoy the updates!
