Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Season of Mists & all that jazz.

Well, it's officially Autumn now. Not that we've had much of a summer. And Autumn - especially September - means Michaelmas Daisies and lots of webs across the garden. Webs full of those nasty things with eight legs. Yep. It's garden-spider season. Getting from the front door to the garden gate has become an adventure worthy of Indiana Jones. I feel I need to tuck and roll and leap the chasm. And the path is barely two metres long!! It's amazing how many evil beasts with eight legs can build webs across a two-metre-long path though.

Still swede packing. Never want to see another swede. Made stew for tea and very carefully did not put swede in it. Turnip, yes - but not swede. Only another couple of days. The agency said they have proper work next week. There's a small estate of new-builds not far from here and by next week they'll be ready to paint. Twenty one-and-two-bed flats. So I'll actually be doing the job I'm trained for.

Oh yeah, many thanks to all who let me know the correct way to pronounce rutabaga. I was doing it incorrectly. I had been mentally saying it as rutter-bagger. Which sounds more like an unlawful act with a male deer than the name of a root vegetable.

Wish me luck dealing with the man-eating spiders and enjoy your reading.


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