Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Knackered. That's what I am. Totally knackered. My youngest brother came down (from London - which is where we're from) last weekend. He stayed with my eldest sister who lives a hop, skip and jump from me. Him, his wife and their two young daughters. I love my nieces - honest I do. And it was nice spending time with them. But it's so very nice when they go home again. They're exhausting. Even my sis thinks so - and she has a son of her own - she says boys are easier.

We all went into the city centre on Saturday (that's "downtown" to you yanks) and had a look at the shops. They squabbled about who was going to sit next to me on the bus. They squabbled about which shops to look at. Then they squabbled about which fast-food crap they wanted for lunch. Then they dropped a tonne of hints about Christmas pressies coz the shops were starting to fill up with wrapping paper and gift boxes and puddings. Give me a break!! It's September!! Can't we get Guy Fawkes Night over before we start thinking about Christmas?? I mean - I love Christmas - but I love Bonfire Night too. I'd like the time to enjoy each event before thinking of the next. I hate to snatch at pleasure. (Make what you will of that. *g*). Ok. Enough whinging. On with the show.


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