Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Rob-bie van Per-sie!!

Excellent. The lads are three nil up against Porto, Robbie's on a hat-trick and with 25 minutes left to play they're still hammering the Porto goal. That makes up for the shame of losing to Hull - HULL!! - on Saturday. (just became 4-0 while I was typing Adebayor's on a hat-trick too - come on you gunners!!) The stint at swede packing is finished - thank God. This week I'm doing what I'm supposed to do. Painting. And I'm inside, nice and dry. (Weather's been very cold, very windy and very wet today). Didn't get much done today though. Site manager ordered the wrong paint so we had to hang around all morning waiting for a delivery of the replacement order. We mostly played cards. I found an unsecured wireless signal and spent some time on the 'net. Not bad - wasting time on yahoo groups & getting paid while I do... *g*. Stayed 'til the light went (which it does quite early now) to make up for it. At least the lads I'm working with this week are good, solid, salt-of-the-earth construction types and talk about proper stuff at break-times. Like football or rugby. And they don't look at me as if I'm certifiable when I drag my laptop out. The lot at the veg packer's only had two topics of conversation - Corrie or Eastenders!! Pah!!


Monday, September 29, 2008


We're having a weird heatwave here in Seattle. Almost seems like I'm back in Oklahoma. Usually Oklahoma's weather doesn't turn cool until October 31st (Halloween). I've been told the warm and sun we've been having here is not the norm. That's okay. Within the next few days we're supposed to be back to rain and cool weather. I know E is looking forward to it. I'm enjoying the sun while I can though.


Sunday, September 28, 2008

End of Weekend

Spent the day enjoying the sunshine. We went to two parks one for the dog and both for the kids and us adults. Feels like Fall all around, but the sun was out shining brightly. Felt right to get out and enjoy it before the gray and drizzle drop on in.

A reminder to all you folks that have run into our web site issues lately, you may want to join our low volume Yahoo group. It's announcement only and we post each one of these lovely updates there daily. Hence you could get this in your email box instead of having to remember to come visit. It's also a lovely back up with the no mail option when our web site goes down. This way, like a good Girl Scout, you're always prepared.

Now back to your updates, enjoy 'em.


Saturday, September 27, 2008


The morning was filled with a few chores. I picked up my comics in the afternoon. Soon I'll take Cal to a birthday party. Not my favorite thing to do. I prefer dropping off to hanging around. But the party is about thirty minutes away and it doesn't make much sense to take him then turn right around and burn more gas an hour or two later. So I'll hang out and chit chat. Or, more likely, find a quiet corner and read.


Friday, September 26, 2008

Announcement Night

Announcement from another femslash fan!
Faith the Vampire Slayer


has the masterlist with the prequels that started with rewriting Buffy season 7 (in a nutshell, Willow ended up with Faith instead of Kennedy) and spiraled out of control from there. I'm currently halfway through the third episode, and so far I like to think I'm doing a better job than any other Faith-centric series out there -- I'm writing it in prose because even though screenplay would be easier/faster, it drives me batty to try to read! So if you love these characters like I do, or know anyone else who might, stop on by and give it a whirl, see if it might be worth your ime...I just wanna finish the series before I croak ;)

Oh, and maybe maybe someone also might be interested in my mega-Xena epic -- over ten years in the making, over a hundred and fifty thousand words of "what happened when Xena didn't get her old body back and was stuck in Callisto's"...

Xena: Sleeping With the Enemy


Yours in femslashery,

I want to thank DJ for stopping by and I hope many of you check out the story and let her know what you think.

Happy Friday and enjoy the updates!


Thursday, September 25, 2008

One Week

After tomorrow I'll have one full week of the new job under my belt. I'm going to like it thank goodness. So what's the job? Basically I've used my little bit of experience working with the special education program at Coronado to get a job working special education again. This time it's for a one-on-one program affixed to the Fircrest facility in Shoreline (where we live). The hours are ideal (8:30 to 3) and it's close to home.

Each day I work with one high school age student and go through his routine with him. My student is a sweetie. Since I'm new they've given me one of the less volatile kids. I've had to talk more than I usually do in a day and he loves for me to sing. Sometimes I'm a bit hoarse by 3.

I'm still trying to see how he works and what he knows. First impressions are he's sharp but bored with some of his school work. Hopefully they'll let me mix things up a bit for him. So far my few suggestions have been met positively. The weekend holds a trip to the dollar store for supplies.

Enjoy the updates!


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Knackered. That's what I am. Totally knackered. My youngest brother came down (from London - which is where we're from) last weekend. He stayed with my eldest sister who lives a hop, skip and jump from me. Him, his wife and their two young daughters. I love my nieces - honest I do. And it was nice spending time with them. But it's so very nice when they go home again. They're exhausting. Even my sis thinks so - and she has a son of her own - she says boys are easier.

We all went into the city centre on Saturday (that's "downtown" to you yanks) and had a look at the shops. They squabbled about who was going to sit next to me on the bus. They squabbled about which shops to look at. Then they squabbled about which fast-food crap they wanted for lunch. Then they dropped a tonne of hints about Christmas pressies coz the shops were starting to fill up with wrapping paper and gift boxes and puddings. Give me a break!! It's September!! Can't we get Guy Fawkes Night over before we start thinking about Christmas?? I mean - I love Christmas - but I love Bonfire Night too. I'd like the time to enjoy each event before thinking of the next. I hate to snatch at pleasure. (Make what you will of that. *g*). Ok. Enough whinging. On with the show.


Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Season of Mists & all that jazz.

Well, it's officially Autumn now. Not that we've had much of a summer. And Autumn - especially September - means Michaelmas Daisies and lots of webs across the garden. Webs full of those nasty things with eight legs. Yep. It's garden-spider season. Getting from the front door to the garden gate has become an adventure worthy of Indiana Jones. I feel I need to tuck and roll and leap the chasm. And the path is barely two metres long!! It's amazing how many evil beasts with eight legs can build webs across a two-metre-long path though.

Still swede packing. Never want to see another swede. Made stew for tea and very carefully did not put swede in it. Turnip, yes - but not swede. Only another couple of days. The agency said they have proper work next week. There's a small estate of new-builds not far from here and by next week they'll be ready to paint. Twenty one-and-two-bed flats. So I'll actually be doing the job I'm trained for.

Oh yeah, many thanks to all who let me know the correct way to pronounce rutabaga. I was doing it incorrectly. I had been mentally saying it as rutter-bagger. Which sounds more like an unlawful act with a male deer than the name of a root vegetable.

Wish me luck dealing with the man-eating spiders and enjoy your reading.


Monday, September 22, 2008

Ramble from Phair

Another lucky night, Phair shares once again.
Baby Gates

I needed to go shopping. Not for me but for baby gates. Again, not for me. Not even for a baby, really. I needed a couple of baby gates to block off the cats' personal space from Dakota. It seems she just doesn't know enough to stay out of the men's room (ie litter box).

To get to any larger retail store, I have to leave my little town by the sea. The nearest pet store is a half hour and three towns north. I popped in the ipod and fired up the jeep for the stop and go commute. Not only is my town separated from the rest of the Commonwealth by water and three bridges, there are twenty two sets of lights between here and there. Tedious. And, slow.

Universe of Pets is cavernous warehouse which serves to amplify any screeching child's voice. Fortunately, there were two such children being ignored by their parents when I entered. Wouldn't want to shop in peace and quiet, now would I? I doubled my usual meandering pace to get to the 'pet barrier' aisle. None. Nothing. Nada. Well, at least I'd be able to hurry away from the screaming kids. Got to look on the bright side, right?

Don't hate me. I went to Wal-Rats. Yes, I know they are destroying America and the way of life we hold dear but I really needed the baby gates…and bras…and dungarees…but that was it. Not a dollar more, I mean it. No baby gates. But, I still found myself leaving with four bags. Do they have some kind of hypnotic gas pumped in to confuse shoppers into buying stuff they didn't really need?

So, two stores down and still no baby gates. I really needed them. What to do? Where can I go that I know the shelves are well stocked? The answer was painfully clear. I needed to go back to the city I lived in for thirty years; a filthy, dirty, broke, and dangerous bastion of stores on the verge of closure because nobody risks shopping there anymore.

I maneuvered the jeep through the crowded streets without ever coming to a full stop. To drive there, you just sort of slow then accelerate always ready to dodge. You never want to give anybody a chance to grab the door handles. I forwarded my ipod to the Theme to Shaft hoping it would help me conjure up the bad ass inside me. The tough chick I use to be. I packed her away four years ago when I escaped the shadowy decay of this dying city. Sneer firmly in place, nobody bothered me when I walked across the parking lot and into the nearly empty store. Of course, I found my baby gates there. Dozens of boxes of them seemed to be waiting for me to come and claim them. I also found an impossible to find toy which I snatched up for my nephew for Christmas.

On my drive back to my new home, I could feel my bad ass self slipping away, grudgingly, but going. I don't need to be that hard anymore. My life is not the constant struggle to survive the emotional and financial poverty of city life anymore. For me, life has become as calm as the gentle ebbing flow of the tide; in and out and in and out.

When I pulled into my driveway, I thought I might just weep for the 97,000 I left behind. I hope each of them escape the despair of city living to find their own oceans.


Phair, thanks for sharing. I am similar to you in the fact that I find the ocean to be my Peace, lets hope 97,000 others find somewhere else to go. Good luck with those baby gates.

Enjoy your updates.


Sunday, September 21, 2008

At the Beach

Yesterday's splendid rain and forecast of clouds and overcast didn't change our plans for another trip to the beach today. Oddly enough it drizzled on us at first arrival and then cleared and the sun shone as the kids played in the water and sand.

Now home doing laundry and waiting for the excellent smelling beans and rice to be ready to eat. Need to go set the table and help serve and then off we go.

Y'all enjoy the updates and have a great work week!


Saturday, September 20, 2008


Your good thoughts paid off...I got the job and start Monday. I'm hoping I like it. It should be challenging for sure. The best part of the job is I can still take Cal to school in the morning and pick him up in the afternoon. I also get to wear jeans and comfortable shirts and tennis shoes in case I have to run. Sounds exciting, huh? Details later once I find out more on Monday.


Friday, September 19, 2008

End of the Work Week

Odd statement in my opinion. We call Monday through Friday the work week, but sometimes I feel as much or more work happens outside of my official job.

Tonight I await a cord of wood to be delivered and the pleasure of stacking to look forward to. With rain expected over the weekend tonight will be the time to get it done. Hoping to prepare us for the winter ahead. Of course other chores will be done over the weekend as well, destroying the notion that the work week is over. Work is constant in all forms I guess.

However I can oddly enough say I would rather be able to do the work than not. Being a person who tends to have health issues and then having ability to work is actually better than not.

So go enjoy your updates as I await my delivery of splinters. Have a great weekend.


Thursday, September 18, 2008


Send positive thoughts my way...I've got a job interview today.

Enjoy the updates!


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

ROC haze

Is it October yet?? Can I stop swede packing?? No?? Damn!! Oh well. Could be worse. Could be potato planting. Now that really is back-breaking. I was so cold & wet when I got home tonight that I just had to watch some Xena dvds to cheer myself up. One Against an Army and then A Day in the Life. I love those episodes. Yep. Just in case there's someone somewhere on the planet who didn't know - I'm a HCNB Xenite. Ah... ROC... *sigh*. OK - I'm all cheered up. On with the updates.


  • Chapter 8 of Over It by Juliejames (Through the Looking Glass).

  • Chapter 29 of Raven by taylorgirl16 (Through the Looking Glass).

  • Chapter 7 of Because the Night by bobina (BuffynFaith.Net).

  • 9/17/08 of Jane's World by Paige Braddock (Comics.com).

    Law & Order: SVU
  • Chapter 11 of Sacred Revenge by Reblrsr (Her website).

  • Part 4 of Badges and Needles by Warrior Angel (Royal Academy of Bards).
  • Tuesday, September 16, 2008

    Fed up of swedes

    That's the vegetable - not the nationality. Actually I don't think Americans call it a swede - I think they call it something I couldn't begin to guess the pronunciation of - a rutabaga. Why am I fed up?? Hell, you would be too. The painting job finished. We got it done in spite of the fact that the health-and-safety bloke fell off the roof and broke bones. (It wasn't my fault - honest it wasn't - he was just not as careful as he should have been). The temp agency didn't have any painting this week. They offered a choice of two short-term contracts. The first was as a plumber's mate, working for a housing association (co-op) putting new toilets in a dozen or so flats (apartments) and removing the old ones. No way was I doing that, replacing toilets is crap. (pun intentional).

    That left this one. Swede packing. You stand in a freezing cold, wet, open, warehouse. Taking soaking wet swedes from the line where they've had the dirt hosed off 'em. You top & tail them & pack them in plastic nets. And that's all you do for 8 hours. I've only been doing it two days and already I never want to see another swede. I should have taken the toilets.


  • Chapter 2 (part 3) of Anne by LunasMeow (BuffynFaith.Net).

  • Chapter 2 (part 3) of The Chosen Two by LunasMeow (BuffynFaith.Net).

  • Chapter 2 of About Three by 4everyoshi (BuffynFaith.Net).

  • Chapter 22 of Slouching Towards Bethlehem by Vilandra4 (BuffynFaith.Net).

  • 9/16/2008 of Jane's World by Paige Braddock (Comics.com).
  • Monday, September 15, 2008


    Check out Rebelrsr's First Annual Halloween Challenge. Get busy creating!

    Now I'm off to get dinner started. Enjoy the updates!


    Sunday, September 14, 2008


    After yesterday's event, today I want to do nothing. Sadly some basic chores need to be completed, hence not a complete slug day. But overall I've gotten in some couch time and that's awfully nice.

    Enjoy your updates!


    Saturday, September 13, 2008

    A Place to Visit in Seattle

    We're back from a lovely Rainbow Families of Puget Sound picnic at Carkeek Park. I'd never been to this park during my many visits to E and I must say I was impressed. Cal was too. We hiked a bit on the trails and had a blast looking at cool things on the beach. Little e and Cal even built a sand castle topped with a dead crab. I know our warm weather will be going away soon but I definitely want to make this park a family outing place.


    Friday, September 12, 2008

    Finally Friday

    Busy weekend ahead. Nice weather is in the forecast for our city and here's hoping for the best if you're in Ike's path.

    Have something to share? Like to ramble? We're always searching for more.

    Now get busy and don't forget the feedback. Have a great weekend.


    Thursday, September 11, 2008


    We've had beautiful weather here in Washington for the past three weeks. I don't think it's gone above 80 (26C), which is nice to us Okies. Mom says OKC has been inundated with rain from all the hurricanes. I'm glad we've been rain free. I know I'll get plenty of it once the winter months hit.

    Unpacking is proceeding slowly. My search for a job also continues slowly. The kids are adjusting well to their new schools. Duncan actually seems to like this Middle School better than his old one in Oklahoma. He does have to suffer through learning to use a Mac laptop. I keep telling him by the time he finishes high school he'll be well versed in the Mac and PC worlds. He still bitches though.


    Wednesday, September 10, 2008


    Well done the lads!! What a result!! 4 - 1 (Football. Real football that is - not that strange game Americans play). World Cup qualifier against Croatia. First time Croatia have been beaten at home. Excellent. Altogether now... Three lions on a shirt, Jules Rimet still gleaming. thirty years of hurt never stopped me dreaming....Ok. Done celebrating.

    And yes - I was wearing my England boxers and my England socks. See I told you they were lucky charms. I'm glad I didn't break the luck by wearing them to the tapas bar. Though I expect the tapas bar staff wish I had.

    Hey. Did you all realise that it's a special date today for those countries that use the Common Era dates. At least it is in the 99.99% of the world that does it logically. For those like us who use ascending order (western hemisphere & ex-Empire usually) it's 10 - 9 - 8 and for those who use descending order (eastern hemisphere generally) it's 8 - 9 - 10. Of course for the other 0.09% - otherwise known as the USA - who don't use any kind of logical system, rebels that they are - it's not a special date at all.

    Though tomorrow is. No more joking around. Tomorrow needs quiet reflection.

    On with the updates. Enjoy your reading and don't forget to feed the bards...


    Tuesday, September 09, 2008

    Hi folks. Me again. Thanks to everyone who bid me welcome after my first update. Looks like it went ok. Yeah?? Well - nobody - not even me - had a nervous breakdown afterwards, so I guess it did. I was so nervous about it though that I missed a perfectly fantastic set up line from Tamara. Missed it completely. Daft bugger. (Me that is - not Tamara).

    Next. I really, really want to know who's in charge of the weather. Cos it sucks. I mean, how is it that during our 3 weeks of almost-summer, when it was nice and sunny, I was stuck inside laying carpet?? (no comments if you please!!) And now I'm supposed to be painting the outside of a set of small industrial workshops we're having a monsoon?? Who plans these things?? I wouldn't mind getting paid to sit in a portakabin and play cribbage with the foreman but I keep losing. I swear he cheats. I just haven't figured out how.

    OK - enough waffle. On with the show. Another not-too-busy day. I'm dreading the day when Ralst is better and posts some of those 900, or whatever the number is, stories she's got waiting to go on P&P. Please - not on my watch....


    Monday, September 08, 2008


    New site for you all to check out. Leave some feedback and enjoy.

    I am writing to tell you about a new site I have created for lovers of Lesfic and eBooks.

    The site is aimed at the Dyke who knows nothing about the electronic age of books.

    Sorry in advance for the shameless self promotion, but it meant for your benefit in the long run.

    I have almost finished creating a new web site www.lesfic4me.com which deals with everything I can think of regarding eBooks and lesfic.

    I have created my site for the benefit of others, so they too may understand and enjoy lesfic eBooks. If you can think of anything I should add to this site, please email me and I will see what I can do.

    This web site is just an extension of my hobby/addiction; reading eBooks. I don’t intend to gain any financial benefit from this project.

    Regardless of whether you are a published author, a bard or just someone who loves to write, I am keen to link to your hard work, please email with approval to use your site if you are keen.

    Thank you,



    Something new to check out! Now enjoy your updates and chat at you later in the week. We all now have the treat of Ze rambling Tuesdays and Wednesdays.


    Sunday, September 07, 2008


    E may not think so but we accomplished quite a bit this weekend. I managed to avoid unpacking any boxes, which was nice. Monday I'll get back to it and start looking around for likely employment. That's almost as much fun as unpacking boxes.


    Saturday, September 06, 2008

    Fall Cleaning

    I usually clean crap out in the spring time, but Tamara's move into my smaller house has changed that time frame. Making space for another human who has as many toys (or more) as you do is sometimes hard. Where shall it all go? We are so not going to have any extra space. Perhaps that will give us the motivation and energy to save up and get a bigger house.

    So the weekend looks filled with chores, so far so good. And Okie has got some homemade spaghetti sauce on the stove and it smells darn good! Dinner is gonna be good.

    Now back to your updates, enjoy 'em!


    Friday, September 05, 2008


    Today I was a slug. I've been fighting a cold or something and sleeping poorly the past two nights. I'm one of those people who needs my eight hours or I'm useless and several nights of bad sleep finally caught up to me. After I took Cal to school I slept for a few hours on the couch. It really did help but did nothing for my job of getting more boxes emptied. Oh well, there's always tomorrow.

    I did accomplish a few things...a trip to the grocery store and baking chocolate chip cookies. I've been craving chocolate chip cookies and the fact that we now have a buttload of chocolate chips thanks to E's stockpile and mine it seemed like an ideal time to make them. I'm happy to report they're really good.


    Thursday, September 04, 2008

    Pseudo Vacation

    I can say without a doubt it's nice to have a third updater. Thanks, Ze! Seemed awfully odd yesterday not to check links since Tamara and I actually split the list every day, so a full day off felt like vacation.

    Of course with that vacation we cleared out more boxes, unpacked crap, sorted some of my crap to make room for more of Tamara's crap. Hence we were productive.

    And yet I believe there will be more left for next week as well. One day we'll be able to go wow, what the hell are we going to do with over 16,000 comics? But right now we're not thinking that far. Currently they're safely boxed away filling up a spare bedroom and I do mean filling up.

    Enough rambling...back to your update. Enjoy!


    Wednesday, September 03, 2008

    Wotcher mates

    Ze wanders in carrying a leather chair & looks around. Hmm... so this is the new office. Brill,. Where's my desk?? Ze steps carefully over a pile of comics. They're sacred, mustn't damage them. Ze carefully skirts a set of Gumby toys. Also sacred. Huh?? Wassat?? Ze stares at a small shrine. It contains a packet of frosted flakes, a carton of coffee and several votive candles. Weird.

    Ah. There's my corner. Bit bare. Needs butching up a bit, too. Ze sets the chair down. Walls need something. Ze carefully fixes a photo of Xena & Gabrielle on the wall and places a scale model of a Mark 1 Spitfire on the desk. Better. Home from home.

    Right folks. Here I am, all settled in. Hope I get this right. I've done this sort of thing before in another place - but the html is different for this site so I might bollox it at first. Be patient - just scream at me until I get it right. Repetition is the key!! Luckily it's a fairly quiet day...

    On with the show.


    Tuesday, September 02, 2008


    Not only is tomorrow the first day of school for my kids, we're also debuting a new updater for UE. Yes, we've finally added a new grunt to the mix. Regular readers of this site will know her by the hilarious rambles she sends in periodically. The one and only Ze will be joining us one day a week. I'm thinking she'll do more than one day a week eventually but we didn't want to overload her while she gets used to the routine.

    Fortunate for us she's not new to this updating gig having spent a few years at the The Ultimate Xena Fan Fiction Directory. We're very excited to have her here with us and look forward to reading about her adventures in the UK and her various rants and raves about lesbian fiction.

    Be sure and give Ze some good feedback tomorrow. We want to make her first time memorable.


    Monday, September 01, 2008

    Announcement from Jo

    The Lesbian Fiction Readers Choice Awards are now accepting nominations from lesbian fiction readers for our 2007 Favorite Book Cover Awards.

    To nominate you need only be a reader of lesbian fiction and a member of the Lesbian Fiction Readers Choice Awards. There is no form to fill out, no nomination fees to pay, and no book copies to provide. The award recipients are nominated and chosen by the members.

    If you aren't already a member, go to: groups.yahoo.com/group/LesbianFictionReadersChoiceAwards/.

    For a book to be nominated for the Lesbian Fiction Readers Choice Awards, it must have been released between January 1 and December 31, 2007. And it must have 2 main characters that are lesbian.

    Nominations will be accepted until September 20th.

    Please join the Lesbian Fiction Readers Choice Awards where the readers' voices are heard.

    Jo Fothergill

    There you have it! Get busy and let your favorites be known. Now back to your updates, enjoy 'em.
