Thursday, April 19, 2007

Is it time for vacation yet?

The last two weeks have been busy with me getting ready to visit E for two weeks. By the time I get to Seattle I'm going to be so ready for a vacation and all because I've busted my ass to get the house set up for my absence. It probably wouldn't be quite so bad if I were just leaving Mike here by himself. But I'm leaving Mike and the kids and my poor mother who gets to take care of the place while I'm gone. She'll be coming over to watch Cal in the mornings before he goes off to Pre-K and then she'll pick the kids up when they get out of school. And because she's my mother and she's super-nice and helpful she'll make dinner for everyone before she goes home. Yep, she's going to need a vacation after I get back.

Two more days and still a long list of things to get done...wish me luck.


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