Sunday, April 15, 2007

Butt Kicking Fun

I went to see Grindhouse yesterday and it was a hoot. Don't go see this if you're not at all interested in the horror/action genres. Especially if you don't have a fondness for schlocky B movies from the seventies. And even more especially if you can't handle over-the-top-gore and violence.

And why haven't I seen word one in the Xena fandom groups about Zoe Bell being in the Quentin Tarantino half of Grindhouse: Death Proof? Zoe did Xena proud in this movie.

I've talked enough. Enjoy the update and I'll get back to Sunday afternoon ironing. Fun!


1 comment:

E said...

Okie left out that Zoe has one "really nice body" according to Okie.