Monday, June 06, 2011

Ramble from phair

Yeah, take it away, phair!
I've been neglectful about my rambles. Or maybe, the projects I've been lucky enough to work on these last few months, have kept my focus elsewhere. Either way, I haven't spent enough time properly gushing to you nice folks about the cool project I'm working on with Anders.

The Shirtless Girl of the Week Project is a great excuse for Anders and me to write stories together and be all around bad influences on each other. The stories are concepts we develop together and then hammer out scenes trying to mesh our distinct writing styles. The bad influence part is we live in nearly polar opposite time zones. So, my day is her night; I'm sunshine to her moonshine, as it were. We are both losing sleep and running late for work trying to catch up with each other.

We completed the first story, Ice Flames in record time. Which is amazing because neither of us had co-written anything before. Still more surprising was the content! An epic tale of sword and sorcery. I had never considered writing fantasy before Anders shot me an email with a brilliant story idea. My contribution was a gang of the most obnoxious bad guys you'd ever care to read about.

Somehow, Anders was kind enough to not only indulge me but suggest another story idea as we wrapped up Ice Flames. deadtown is a murder mystery in the spirit of the hardboiled detectives from pulp fiction days. It is quickly becoming one of my favorite stories too. The story's atmosphere is so vivid I can almost smell the lead character's gun oil.

You can check out both stories at Anders' site

Write one or both of us and tell us what you think. We love feedback. Well, sometimes, I've been known to get into fits of pique but Anders tends to be very friendly.


Well there you have it...check out their fun and you may even see those updates here (when I am not being a flake). Let them know what you think. And phair, thanks for the ramble!

Enjoy your updates!

Peace, Health and Happiness.


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