Tuesday, June 07, 2011

But why Mister...

I am so glad the kids are back at school. Last week was half-term. There's a field beside the site I'm working on currently, which is apparently a favourite playground for a group of kids. There were six of them. Five boys and a girl. All around seven or eight. And bloody annoying they were too.

For some reason kids find construction work fascinating, which meant I had a very attentive audience as I was putting up the scaffolding. And they can't just watch quietly, can they??

"What are you doing, mister??"

"I'm putting up scaffolding and I'm not mister."


"Why what??"

"Why are you putting up scaffolding??"

Pause for breath, and to remind myself that they're just kids, so sarcastic retorts such as "because it won't put itself up" or "because we can't hover that high" are not helpful.

"Because we need it to climb on."

"What are you doing now mister??"

"Bolting on the locking collar. And I'm not mister"

"What's that mister??"

"It's the thing that holds the poles together so they don't slip and collapse. And I'm not mister."

The girl then decided to chip in - a little more intelligently than the boys. "Are you tightening the bolts now, miss??"

"Yes, that's exactly what I'm doing."

The boys definitely weren't as smart. "Don't say miss. He can't be miss, girls can't do that job."

"Girls can too do this job. I'm a girl and I'm doing it." (Oh boy, now I've regressed, I'm eight years old again!!)

The girl chimed up again. "I want to do that when I'm old like you. I can, can't I miss??"

Oh great. Now I'm old. "Yes, you can. You can be anything you want."

"What are you doing now miss??"

Adding another level. We need to to reach the roof."


It went on for five days. Five long, hot, gruelling, torturous days.

Why are there laws that say you're not allowed to beat small boys unconscious with scaffolding poles?? It doesn't seem fair.

I'm so glad they're back at school this week.


1 comment:

Tamara said...

Never change.