Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Opinions, and RRWs

Tomorrow is Corpus Christi - for those of our readers who are from Christian sects which celebrate this (not all do) - have a good day.

And tonight's comment... well..

After Monday's ramble I had an email from a reader asking what I was going to do/say about it. I replied, "Nothing". I got a response "Nothing?? Really??". My reply to that was, "Yep. Nothing. phair has a right to her opinion. She has a right to express that opinion. She has a right to disagree with my opinions. It's not my place to comment, question or censor."

I still hold to that.

I walk a fine line here between my right as a rambler/reader to express my opinion, and my duty as a site maintainer to remain impartial. I try my best to never cross that line. I don't always succeed (insult Xena and see how much I don't succeed!!) but I try.

But - just a phair has a right to her opinions and to express those opinions - so do I.

Just to make sure I'm being clear about this. I'll re-state it. phair has a right to her opinion. She has a right to express that opinion. She has a right to disagree with my opinions. It's not my place to comment, question or censor. I have absolutely no quarrel with phair or what she said. And I have every sympathy for her and her troubles with work (though how they put her pen-name together with her real name and found her writing God only knows). It sucks when that happens.

But - my comments had nothing to do with her, her writing or her current work-in-progress. I hadn't even noticed her latest story had a lower-case title. It's only one word and because of that, if I had given it any thought, I would have assumed it was a stylistic choice. I have no idea what her spelling and grammar are like because I'm not reading the story. With my memory issues (result of my accident) I don't tend to read w-i-ps much, too hard to keep track.

And no - I'm not going to identify the stories that did set off my rant. (Except to say that the title in question is ten to twelve words or so and entirely lower case and it's bloody hard to update when that happens!!)

Why am I not identifying the (four separate) stories which set me off?? Because I don't make personal attacks. And identifying them would be a personal attack. I'll attack a story, the spelling, the grammar. I'll attack an opinion, a belief, an argument. I'm always ready to debate. But I won't attack the debater. Attacking the person is mean, obnoxious, rude, nasty, despicable. And almost always cowardly.

So. Having said I wasn't going to do anything, why am I now doing this??

Because there's a Right Royal Wanker out there who does attack the person. And that Right Royal Wanker (hereinafter known as RRW) decided to email me with a vitriolic and inaccurate piece of shite and that pissed me off.

And yes - RRW is definitely behaving in a way that I consider mean, obnoxious, rude, nasty, despicable and cowardly. And I'll say it one more time, that (in spite of RRW) I an entitled to my opinion and to express it. And so is every reader out there. You all - every one of you - have a right to your opinion and to express that opinion here. You have a right to disagree with my opinions. It's not my place to comment, question or censor. Have something to say?? Step right up.

Thanks for reading.

Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


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