Thursday, June 30, 2011

Home Alone

Well technically not really as my daughter and the entire clan of kitties are here, however Tamara and the boys are off in Oklahoma enjoying the the heat. Seattle has been averaging a cloudy 63 and they are in sunny 102, hence I would rather be at home.

Missing the chaos, but at least my kiddo is here with me. She has been kind enough to come to work with me each day. Bringing her book, knitting and laptop to keep herself occupied.

The week is coming to and end with the long holiday weekend lies ahead (USA folks). I look forward to the extra day off, however we will be heading up by work to feed some chickens that we are dealing with for another vacationing family.

Okay enough rambling from me, enjoy those updates!

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Revenge of the Greenhouse.

Or... I fought the greenhouse and the greenhouse won.

Regular readers may recall the incident almost two months ago when I had a slight accident with a scaffolding pole which resulted in a broken window on a greenhouse. It wasn't serious because the greenhouse was due for demolition anyway. Last Wednesday was the scheduled day. So we began demolishing it.

It wasn't a small, back-garden, private-home sort of greenhouse. It was a large commercial greenhouse, used for growing "plugs" for sale to wholesale growers. It was insulated boards from the ground up to about half-a-metre high, then glass panelled walls and roof.

Being sensible little labourers we took the roof off first. The glass slid free easily and we stacked it in the trailer. The frame was partly unbolted and removed, though we left the edges up so as to keep the walls stable. It was decided that we'd start on one side and clear that before switching to the other, and then doing the ends last. We began removing the glass panels. Once that was done we needed to remove the inner boards and insulation, then the outer boards.

It was hot in that greenhouse, we were in t-shirts. The boards came away easily and insulation came tumbling out. Unfortunately for us it was fibre-glass. Nice, fluffy, cotton-wool type fibre-glass. We got covered in bits. Notice that word - fibre-glass. That powdery stuff that coated my arms was very fine glass. Like on sand-paper. It hurts. In fact it feels like hundreds of little burning pinpricks. I was cursing up a storm. Then something happened to make me forget that my arms were on fire.

A tarantula the size of a rottweiler ran out from between the panels - and on to my (safety-gloved) hand.

Ok, so it wasn't actually a tarantula - just a big, black, scuttling, domestic house-spider. And it was only about 10cm across - not quite big enough to saddle, but still...

Anyone who knows me knows that I do not cope well with spiders. Especially big, black, scuttling types. I did what any severely arachnophobic person would do.

I flung my arm out sideways, flicking my glove off, and ran backwards, yelling.

Into the other wall. Where my hand made acquaintance with the glass. Loudly. Shatteringly. And as the glass broke into several large pieces it attempted to take the top of my right index finger with it. Fortunately the glass met bone and stopped rather than going right through. But oh boy didn't it bleed. For hours.

Eventually I got it stopped. Mainly by wrapping it in three or four plasters (band-aids) and cutting off the circulation with a cable-tie around my knuckle. It didn't last though. As soon as I took the plasters off it bled again. I put more plasters on. The following day it bled again. When on Friday it was still bleeding whenever I picked anything up, pressed on anything, or removed the plasters, I gave up and headed for A&E.

You can't stitch fingers very well. So they superglued it. And wadded masses of plasters around it.

So when I went to the wedding on Saturday it was with my finger swathed in chunks of plaster. But at least it wasn't bleeding. It's still swathed in plaster.

I didn't even get to destroy the evil greenhouse. When I got into work on Monday it was gone. They'd finished demolishing it at the weekend.

See you next week. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Did you miss me??

Of course you didn't - because a) you didn't know I had gone anywhere, and b) I was only away for the weekend and don't update on those days. *g*

I went up to Swindon, which is, well, (I really don't want to upset any of our readers who might live there, but...), a crappy place, to be quite honest. I sure a hell couldn't live there. And I'm originally from a London slum!!

Anyway, I went to Swindon. On the train. Haven't been on a train for ages, I usually go by bus as it's cheaper. Unfortunately there is only one bus a day between here & Swindon - at an completely inconvenient time (obviously there aren't many people who do want to go there from here) - so I bit the bullet and paid three times as much to travel at a better hour.

Once in Swindon I discovered that, unlike my home city, there are not large quantities of B & B places dotted about. And there isn't a hotel quarter. Mainly because nobody goes to Swindon for any purpose (other than business trips) if they can help it, and there are nicer places to stay just a short drive away. There are a couple of expensive, fairly classy, American chain type, hotels at the edge of the town, but not much in the centre. I did find a few small guest-house/inn types places.

And then I ran into problems.

I don't have a credit card. It's amazing how few hotels (even those which are cheap inns rather than proper hotels) will take you if you don't have a card. I offered a cash deposit over & above the room fee, but nope, they wanted a card. Just when I was starting to think I'd be sleeping in the park I found an inn that was happy to take cash. And it was quite a nice room at a very reasonable price.

Of course - there was absolutely nowhere close where I could get breakfast. And very few places for dinner. No tourists = few restaurants.

So why was I in Swindon if it was so difficult??

I was seeing a mate get hitched. The author Jane Fletcher, to be precise. She was... hmm... grammar issue here, Civil Partnership is a noun, not a verb, so I can't say "getting Civil Partnered", (besides that sounds weird), and "getting a Civil Partnership" sounds as if she was popping into Ikea for a flat-pack kit. Ah, what the hell. You get the picture. She was doing the whole legal, till-death-us-do-part, thing with her American girlfriend. (It really should be "marriage" - it's so much easier to say "getting married" and it's exactly the same thing in UK law).

Jane lives near Swindon and that's where the registrar is based, so that's where the ceremony took place. And a lovely job they made of it, too. I was dead impressed. Jane's a cracking sort and it's great to see her happy. Her partner's a really nice lass (and a total softie).

But oh boy, if I never have to see Swindon again I really won't be upset about it...


Monday, June 27, 2011

Getting ready for my day of travel....

I spent the day packing. Not that packing takes all day. I did odd chores in between. I find if I spread my packing out I forget fewer items. Last minute definitely isn't me.

You have a few to read tonight. Enjoy 'em!


Sunday, June 26, 2011


The Weekend is coming to an end. I return to work while everyone will stay home to have summer begin. I really hate that part. I think summers are actually harder when the kids and Tamara get to to be home while I trudge off to another day. Now it's not like my job is that bad and in reality I should be happy to have one, but it still sucks sometimes.

So tomorrow I go to work and then sadly the next day I take Tamara and the boys to the airport for the summer trip to Oklahoma. Week with my kiddo and the cats.

Well enough of the whining for one night.

Enjoy your updates.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Saturday, June 25, 2011


Take it away, Rev....
I want to get the word out that we've started a new feature called Bar Rag. We want to give our listeners, and those who are not yet listeners ;-), an opportunity to share information about their projects or whatever they want (we reserve the right to have the final say about what we distribute, of course).

So far, we've had Winter Pennington read the first chapter of her latest book Darkness Embraced, a short video by TJ Vertigo, Colette Moody reading a short story called "My Quest for the Green Fairy", some audio book reviews, and more. Bar Rag shares the feed for Cocktail Hour so all of our subscribers automatically get Bar Rag delivered.

In addition to our featuring novels and fan fiction on Cocktail Hour, where we often have authors join us, we want to make sure that you all know about this new outlet to share information. Andy and I are very much dedicated to helping to spread the word about books, fan fiction, and other projects important to our community, like the film Survived By... produced by 3 Grunts Productions, International Day of Femslash, and Femslashcon. We hope you'll take advantage of it.

By the way, our next show, episode 20, features special guest Nan Hawthorne. The books for the show are In the Blood of the Greeks by Mary D. Brooks and Nan's latest historical novel, Beloved Pilgrim. And don't forget the cocktail which is the French Ginger Snap. We usually get the show posted to our website ( by Sunday evening.

We hope you enjoy the shows!


Now who can turn down some free advertising?


Friday, June 24, 2011


Not a lot to say tonight, so I leave it to you all.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Thursday, June 23, 2011

Summer Days

My first full week of summer and I've managed to be a slug through most of it. I've thrown a few bits of productivity in each day but mostly I've been taking it easy. Tomorrow I'm going to get Duncan and Cal and take them to see the new X-Men movie. Then this weekend I'll start rounding up our clothes for the yearly Oklahoma trip.


Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Opinions, and RRWs

Tomorrow is Corpus Christi - for those of our readers who are from Christian sects which celebrate this (not all do) - have a good day.

And tonight's comment... well..

After Monday's ramble I had an email from a reader asking what I was going to do/say about it. I replied, "Nothing". I got a response "Nothing?? Really??". My reply to that was, "Yep. Nothing. phair has a right to her opinion. She has a right to express that opinion. She has a right to disagree with my opinions. It's not my place to comment, question or censor."

I still hold to that.

I walk a fine line here between my right as a rambler/reader to express my opinion, and my duty as a site maintainer to remain impartial. I try my best to never cross that line. I don't always succeed (insult Xena and see how much I don't succeed!!) but I try.

But - just a phair has a right to her opinions and to express those opinions - so do I.

Just to make sure I'm being clear about this. I'll re-state it. phair has a right to her opinion. She has a right to express that opinion. She has a right to disagree with my opinions. It's not my place to comment, question or censor. I have absolutely no quarrel with phair or what she said. And I have every sympathy for her and her troubles with work (though how they put her pen-name together with her real name and found her writing God only knows). It sucks when that happens.

But - my comments had nothing to do with her, her writing or her current work-in-progress. I hadn't even noticed her latest story had a lower-case title. It's only one word and because of that, if I had given it any thought, I would have assumed it was a stylistic choice. I have no idea what her spelling and grammar are like because I'm not reading the story. With my memory issues (result of my accident) I don't tend to read w-i-ps much, too hard to keep track.

And no - I'm not going to identify the stories that did set off my rant. (Except to say that the title in question is ten to twelve words or so and entirely lower case and it's bloody hard to update when that happens!!)

Why am I not identifying the (four separate) stories which set me off?? Because I don't make personal attacks. And identifying them would be a personal attack. I'll attack a story, the spelling, the grammar. I'll attack an opinion, a belief, an argument. I'm always ready to debate. But I won't attack the debater. Attacking the person is mean, obnoxious, rude, nasty, despicable. And almost always cowardly.

So. Having said I wasn't going to do anything, why am I now doing this??

Because there's a Right Royal Wanker out there who does attack the person. And that Right Royal Wanker (hereinafter known as RRW) decided to email me with a vitriolic and inaccurate piece of shite and that pissed me off.

And yes - RRW is definitely behaving in a way that I consider mean, obnoxious, rude, nasty, despicable and cowardly. And I'll say it one more time, that (in spite of RRW) I an entitled to my opinion and to express it. And so is every reader out there. You all - every one of you - have a right to your opinion and to express that opinion here. You have a right to disagree with my opinions. It's not my place to comment, question or censor. Have something to say?? Step right up.

Thanks for reading.

Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Longest Day

First - Good Solstice to all our Pagan & Wiccan readers.

It's Midsummer's Day, the longest day of the year, and officially the beginning of summer, in the northern hemisphere, the nights start drawing in now. Isn't that a cheerful thought.

Someone seems to have forgotten to inform the weather of this fact. It's cold, wet, and windy. Very windy. Today I wore a t-shirt, long-sleeved shirt, and a sweatshirt. I was still cold. And yesterday I was so wet and muddy that when I got on the bus to come home the driver said, "You aren't going to sit on the seats like that, are you mate??". I said, "No, of course not. I was planning on standing." I did think of asking where he expected people to sit if not on the seats, on the roof perhaps?? But the weather was nasty and I didn't want to have to walk home (it takes two hours).

I did enjoy my weekend off, although I needn't have booked it as time off because I couldn't have worked anyway. There was torrential rain, there were gale-force winds and it was very cold. Totally unsafe working conditions. So I stayed home and relaxed and did as little as possible.

And read. (Jan Morris' Heaven's Command, if anybody's interested.)


Monday, June 20, 2011

Ramble from phair

Phair, the floor is yours.

i am exhausted. last week i faced the potential loss of my employment, all my worldly possessions, and maybe even my freedom because my writing was viewed as offensive. i've been fighting for my very survival for the last 98 hours or so. managed to scrap by with a discipline blemish in my file, a career first.

but, what happened in the writing part of my life maybe the worst part of the week. a benign little ramble about punctuation and use of lower case letters for story titles was posted a few days ago. it was well written and with no grammar or punctuation violations that i could detect but i tend not to look regulatory issues of language when i read. perhaps because reading is such a chore for me, i look to the heart and soul of a piece. to find what bit of humanity has been bound to the page with words for my consideration.

the ramble in question was a stand against poor spelling, sloppy grammar, and misuse of capitalization. it was a rejection for linking any stories which grossly violate the rules of language for whatever purposes. for the writer of the ramble and all those who agree with the strict application of form over function, i beg you not to read any of my stories or books. for your own piece of mind, avoid me because i am with the stains of impure language use on my keyboard. i have yet to meet a word i can not misspell or a piece of punctuation i can not fail to use properly. my language usage is so perverted that i like to play with form and function in all manner of shoddy usage. if truth be known, i'm barely literate in my native tongue.

i'm an unrepentant language violator…i have sinned and i will sin again.

but, i'm not writing this to argue the point. if form is more important than content to you then seek those stories. if content prevails over function, read those stories. if you want both then hit a book store and buy a book that has been completed by the experts.

i'm writing this to capture my initial response when i read the ramble and saw my current story fit neatly into one of the categories vilified. it was after a 90 minute meeting where my writing was presented as little more than dirty limericks and filthy trash. so, i was a little raw. i'm still a little raw.

my initial reaction was to just stop writing. sounds dramatic, doesn’t it? drama queen, right? the reality was more like beaten slave. my art is endangering my livelihood but my art is failing in all relevant manner according to the rambler. why bother? why not just go and do the 9-5 shtick and start watching TV to dull my brain completely into submission? why not just surrender?

is this the outcome the rambler hoped for? is one less active writer in the world a good idea? if perfect is the standard then the field will be limited to professional writers and publishers…even though many typos occur in their products too. maybe it is more acceptable when they blow it.

everybody gets to have an opinion but the ramifications of your opinions when lashed like a whip on the rowers may not be the thing you hoped to achieve. instead of more clean copy stories, you may end up with less stories to pick from because somebody became so discouraged they just walked away and hid from the world.

Phair, thanks for sharing that view with us. Differences do become us and seeing and hearing from others is always good. I appreciate your thoughts and your courage to share them.

Everyone have a good night.

Peace, Health and Happiness!


Sunday, June 19, 2011


E thought we didn't do a lot yesterday. We did even less today. I did manage to enter a bunch of comics into my database while we watched Giant. E accepted a lot of Farmville gifts. All in all not a bad way to spend a Sunday afternoon.


p.s. Happy Father's Day to all you dads.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

A Quiet Day

Weekends with no kiddos seems awfully quiet around here. Tamara worked on her checkbook while I totally wasted the day away playing on Facebook. We did seem to accomplish a ride out in the afternoon to grab Tamara's comic book pickup and on the way home grabbed lunch. But over all nothing much here.

Enjoy your updates.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Friday, June 17, 2011

Last Day

Well, today was the last day of school. I always get a little sad on this day because I'll miss the students who graduated and the employees who won't be returning next year. I've been at my job three years now and I've seen a fair number of employees come and go. Even the folks who manage to like the job sometimes burn out after awhile. Next school year we'll have some old faces return but I always miss the ones who have moved on.


Thursday, June 16, 2011

Near Completion

Had a very frustrating couple of days at work as projects have not gone as expected or even close (pretty much a waste of time). So tomorrow I need some things to get completed and yet I also was hoping to scoot out early...we'll see what reality brings.

Felt like a long week and I look forward to the weekend. One note is the house feels a bit too quiet as all the kiddos have flown to their other homes leaving Tamara and I alone.

For some odd reason it has left me a bit sadder this week than others. Perhaps as summer begins and they (including T) are off for the summer leaving me having to get up each work day and go to my office. Reality sometimes sucks.

Back to your regularly scheduled programming. Enjoy those updates!

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Making decisions

Boy was I tired yesterday. So tired that I sent the email out with blank spaces in it!!. No wonder I was grumpy, being that shattered.

Today I told the site manager that, no, I won't be working this weekend. Yes, I am aware that I have already said I'm not working next weekend either (going to Swindon to see a friend get civil partnered). And no, I don't give a tinker's that you'll consider offering an extra couple of quid an hour if I'll work, because I'm still not working this weekend. You have a 60+ hour week from me anyway. Don't push for a 70+. I need a break.

I feel so much chirpier just making the decision. Maybe I'll get to catch up with my emails. Or chat to some friends.

I have to make decisions on this site, too. Things like - do I let my inner grammar diva take over and correct the spelling and grammar in fic titles?? Answer - no. Even though it causes me pain to leave it, the author's choice of wording is what counts. (But - quick tip - if you can replace "you and I" with "we" then you and I is correct. If you need to use "us" not "we" then it should be "you and me". I will be so very be grateful if you get it right.)

And then there's - do I add upper-case letters to titles?? Yes. It's hurts my eyes when the title is entirely in lower-case letters, so I'll adjust that no matter what the author wants!! Will I read a fic (not just link it) that has a title in lower-case, or with appalling grammar/spelling?? No, not any more.

And one decision I made when I started this updating lark - I won't link to RPF. I'm funny like that. I'm perfectly happy to read stories about characters doing and saying things they've never done (and wouldn't consider doing) in the show/film/book, as long as it's in character as far as is possible. But I won't read about the actors doing things. I don't think it's respectful. Just my personal preference. (I won't watch RP fanvids or view RP manips either). I know loads of people do like RPF, RPS and RPFS and I wouldn't dream of telling them not to read or write it. But I won't report it.

My fellow grunts are happy to indulge me in this and if any links to RPF are required they'll let me leave it for them to handle.

I'm not keen on reporting on incest fics either. I can't always spot those, if I don't follow the fandom I may not realise when all I have listed are the pairings and the author chooses not to warn. So I may link to one by accident. But I try not to.

We all have our little quirks.

And on that note, this little quirk is off to bed. I have to be up at 5am to be at work by 6.30 and I'll be lucky to be in bed by midnight. I'll see you all next week. Same bat-time, same bat-channel.

Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Grumbling Again

Some days I grumble so much I start to wonder if I'm related to Victor Meldrew.

I'm working six days a week and eleven hours a day at the moment - it's summer, light nights, warmish dry days - we try to get as much done as possible with the extra time available. I'm grateful for the overtime, really I am, I'm saving to go to the USA next year. But it doesn't leave a lot of time for things like emailing friends, reading books, or working on the allotment.

I was going to do some work on that on Sunday but we had torrential rain all day. Ok, we desperately needed the rain and I was damn' glad to see it, but it did kind of wreck any hopes I had of getting the courgettes (zucchini) in.

And then my flamin' crown came out - again!! I wish I'd never had the blasted thing put in. It's spent more time over the past two years in an envelope, waiting to be put back in, than it has actually in my mouth!! I'm so glad I didn't let the dentist talk me into crowning that other one. Although I did let her convince me to have it veneered. I had that done over a year ago and it still feels weird when I catch sight of it in the mirror. It had been broken, crooked and discoloured since I was fifteen and seeing it straight, complete, and white (ish) still looks strange.

And on top of everything else DC are f***ing with my favourite comics!! Not that I seem to be able to get them at the moment anyway, but when I can get them I want my Birds of Prey with Oracle if you please!! I don't want her going back to Batgirl!!

Ah well, at least I managed to find time to get my hair cut. It was getting a little bit longer than I like. And the sun had bleached the top so it looked like I'd had blonde highlights done. That all got cut out and back to my normal colour. It's usually a very light brown with almost red tones in strong sunlight, (my hairdresser may say it's "dark blonde" but I prefer to call it mousey brown).


Monday, June 13, 2011

You have updates!

The kids and I are in the home stretch. This is the last week of school for us. Duncan and I have half days for part of the week and Cal has a half day on Friday. Since we ended up having a weekly staff meeting this year (as opposed to bi weekly last year), I won't be obligated to work the rest of the day on the half days. It'll be kind of cool to be able to leave and not have to hunt for things to clean for a couple of hours.

We'll have a full week at home and then we head to Oklahoma to visit family. E and little e will stay far away from the Oklahoma heat. The kids will stay a few more weeks than I will. I'll come back to Summer School for my student.

E and I have tentatively planned to put a new roof on the storage addition to the house. We may end up biting off more than we can chew but it should make my summer exciting.


Sunday, June 12, 2011

End of the Weekend

Back to work for me, however I get a bonus as my daughter will join me tomorrow for the day. Her school is officially out and she will be with me Monday and Tuesday.

Here is hoping you all have a great week as well! I'll return on Thursday.

Enjoy your updates.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Saturday, June 11, 2011

Go have some fun in the sun.

We had a nice relaxing day with the kids. We braved Costco on a Saturday. Two flea markets were visited. All in all a good Saturday.

Another super light night for y'all. Enjoy 'em.


Friday, June 10, 2011


Some weeks feel longer than others. This week long. I look forward to some timeout this weekend. Here is hoping you all have a great one.

Peace, Health and Happiness


Thursday, June 09, 2011


It's a very light night after Ze's two substantial updates. I'm pooped tonight and have nothing interesting to say. I will say this...damn but I wish the kids near Ze weren't back in school.


Wednesday, June 08, 2011

On wittering and trauma

It's Pentecost this coming weekend, so for all our Christian readers, A Blessed Pentecost to you.

Had a couple of emails in response to yesterday's ramble. People were amused by the pain, the trauma, the sheer agony I went through with those kids... amused!! By my trauma. **sobs**

Actually, thanks for letting me know you enjoyed it, and I glad if I could make you smile for a moment or two. I do wonder sometimes if I witter on too much. And if people get bored by my nattering about the disaster zone which is my daily life. I'm glad that (for some of you at least) that's not the case, and that you still do enjoy my blathering.

Especially since I'm likely to continue to wend my way through life leaving chaos and destruction in my wake, and I'm more than likely going to continue inflicting tales of the results of that chaos onto you, my long-suffering audience.

See you next week. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, June 07, 2011

But why Mister...

I am so glad the kids are back at school. Last week was half-term. There's a field beside the site I'm working on currently, which is apparently a favourite playground for a group of kids. There were six of them. Five boys and a girl. All around seven or eight. And bloody annoying they were too.

For some reason kids find construction work fascinating, which meant I had a very attentive audience as I was putting up the scaffolding. And they can't just watch quietly, can they??

"What are you doing, mister??"

"I'm putting up scaffolding and I'm not mister."


"Why what??"

"Why are you putting up scaffolding??"

Pause for breath, and to remind myself that they're just kids, so sarcastic retorts such as "because it won't put itself up" or "because we can't hover that high" are not helpful.

"Because we need it to climb on."

"What are you doing now mister??"

"Bolting on the locking collar. And I'm not mister"

"What's that mister??"

"It's the thing that holds the poles together so they don't slip and collapse. And I'm not mister."

The girl then decided to chip in - a little more intelligently than the boys. "Are you tightening the bolts now, miss??"

"Yes, that's exactly what I'm doing."

The boys definitely weren't as smart. "Don't say miss. He can't be miss, girls can't do that job."

"Girls can too do this job. I'm a girl and I'm doing it." (Oh boy, now I've regressed, I'm eight years old again!!)

The girl chimed up again. "I want to do that when I'm old like you. I can, can't I miss??"

Oh great. Now I'm old. "Yes, you can. You can be anything you want."

"What are you doing now miss??"

Adding another level. We need to to reach the roof."


It went on for five days. Five long, hot, gruelling, torturous days.

Why are there laws that say you're not allowed to beat small boys unconscious with scaffolding poles?? It doesn't seem fair.

I'm so glad they're back at school this week.
