Tuesday, October 27, 2009


I nearly forgot you lot tonight. *g*. In fact if E hadn't emailed me with some info on the BtVS updates I would have forgotten that it was my turn to update. I blame it on the government. (When in doubt blame the government - they can't fight back.) Well it is their fault, in a round about sort of way. They make us operate (as my nan used to say) on "government time" instead of "God's time" in the summer. And then they switch back and confuse the hell out of everybody.

In case you hadn't gathered, our clocks went back from BST (British Summer Time) to GMT/UTC (Greenwich Mean Time) this past weekend. And unfortunately my body clock hasn't adapted properly yet. Which meant I'm dead tired and I had just about made my mind up to go to bed early tonight (any time before midnight is early for me) when I read E's email and thought "oops".

America (well most of it - I understand that there is a state or two that doesn't bother with all that nonsense) has all this to look forward to this coming weekend. And Aus & NZ have already gone the other way this week.

Of course this twice-yearly inconvenience sparked the usual rush of letters-to-the-editor from Disgusted of Tunbridge Wells, and questions in Parliament as to why we don't keep Central European Time and "wouldn't it be simpler to be on the same time as the rest of Europe". Conveniently ignoring the fact that Europe has more than one time zone anyway. And America seems to cope quite well with several time zones without too much effort.

Mind you, the amount of trouble I have adapting pales in comparison to the animals. The kid's (four) cats' stomach clocks know it's supper time and they are not going to let you forget them!! Cat's really know how to be annoying. They probably have little instruction manuals tucked away in their baskets. Chapter Four: How to drive humans to the brink of cat-icide!! Evil little wotsits!!

Enjoy your updates. See you all tomorrow


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