Thursday, October 22, 2009

Help and Hype

Both in one ramble, read on.
A short while back, the fabulous grunts of Uber Etc. were nice enough to let me ramble on about a new site ( some friends and I had put together to share reviews of fan fiction. We were hoping that a few readers would shuffle on over and have a look. Well, quite a lot more than a few have come - and keep coming back for more! We have more visitors that come directly from the Uber Etc. Links page than any other place.

Now that we're getting hundreds of visitors a week, a large number of those being return visits, we want to ensure that we have plenty of new reviews waiting for you. The problem comes from the fact that we only have two regular reviewers. We have a couple of women who send in reviews when they can but, for the most part, it's me and Incognito trying to pump them out. Not that we don't love all the reading and sharing our opinions with you all because we do, but there are only so many hours in the day and there's that pesky thing called a day job...

So, loyal Uber Etc. readers, I'm putting out a call for guest reviewers. That's right, we're looking for your help. We're looking for some well written, thoughtful, objective reviews of fan fiction. Any fandom, pairing, sexual orientation, whatever. If it's fan fiction or unpublished, original online work, we'll post a review on it.

We have a few rules that we insist on to keep the reviews fair. We don't allow reviews of work completed or beta'd by the reviewer or friends and family of the reviewer. We really do work hard to keep the reviews as unbiased as possible.

If you want to submit a review or have any questions at all, contact me at fanficrev at gmail dot com. If you do submit a review, please include the handle you'd like to go by (I use The Rev) and a link where the story can be found. Also let us know what fandom and pairing so we can apply the appropriate tags. Take a look at some of the existing reviews if you want to see what I mean.

Thanks and happy reading,

The Rev

Here's hoping a few of you can help them out. Give it a try, what do you have to lose?

On to the update, enjoy 'em!


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