Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Geocities Reminder

Just a quick reminder - Yahoo is closing Geocities on 26th October. That's next Monday, (just in case you couldn't be bothered to work it out *g*).

This means that any of your favourite fanfiction which is hosted solely on Geocities sites will disappear. Probably for good because the Wayback Machine doesn't always archive Geocities sites.

So - if you're a fan of Xena Ubers - you're about to lose Maggie Ryan's The Deal and it's sequels. And FlyBigD's Ubers & Xena fanfic. Other Xena pages destined for the chop include Absolutely Xena Crazed, Blondi's Page, The Xenadom, The Moonlit Xena Corner.

Or if CSI's your fandom - Maven's brilliant Diurnal Dreaming series or the Grave Danger AU Glass Crucible stories will be gone. And this Multi-author site's on the endangered list.

Birds of Prey your thing?? Once again Maven's page. Or the Bad Grammar series. Or Jinx's page

Voyager or other Trek?? You'll be saying goodbye to Tigermoth and T'Lin

SVU?? Say 'bye to Katherine Quinn's page.

Etc. etc. pick your fandom and there'll be sites on Geocities. Now, some of these authors might have posted their stories to multi-fandom archive sites, some might be planning on transferring their stories to a new webservice so you'll still be able to read them. But some of them - particularly the ones which haven't been updated for several years - are going to disappear completely. So tonight's public service message is - save them. Save the stories you love to your hard-drive, to cd, to flash-drive, whatever your preferred method might be. But save them.


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