Thursday, August 13, 2009

Ramble from Marilee

Yay! Marilee dropped in to chat....

My brother came into my room at 1 am, last wednesday...??? ( at that hour, it could have been saturday ), and said I needed to come to his room to look at something. I swear I was caught between throwing something at him for getting me out of bed and a true concern. I thought he was going to cry.

I get up and go see what the upset is....

His A/C was not letting the water drip/drain outside, instead, it had been going into the wall and had buckled the 'bead board', discolored ttrim and made a nice wet mess of the rug and padding.

Tell me ....what am I suppose to do at 1 am?

Well, I can tell you.....go outside, with a flashlight and check the A/C.

I told him when he had it put in the window, it HAD TO TILT slightly 'out' so something like this wouldn't happen. As I was looking at the thing, it was as level as it could be.

I told him there was nothing to do at the moment...... the following day HE could call a neighbor of ours that is very handy and see what he could do.

It took a week, $50.00 in new 'bead board' and another $25.00 or $30.00 in paint and adhesive.

He paid our neighbor $100.00 for his work.

My brother has calmed down....until the next upset.

You just have to love 'queens'...a real must' when one is your brother. He bought new towels because he ruined the others trying to soak up the dirty water from wall that had dripped on the floor.

I hope you all have a good week/weekend.


Hope y'all are staying cool! Enjoy the updates and give Marilee a shout to thank her for rambling.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh dear, I so feel for you.

My brother is a 25 year old 6 feet tall totally straight guy that woke me up at 2a.m. screaming like a 5 year old girl because there was a cockroach in his room. I have lost count of how many times I had told him to spray the apartment in order to not let it happen.

In the end I sprayed my room and got over with it.