Tuesday, April 21, 2009

It Ain't 'Arf 'Ot

In other words, it's a trifle warm. It was 21c in London today and 18c here in dere ol' Deb'n. Considering it's usually around 13 or 14 in late April that's flamin' hot. Ok - all you lot living in places like Florida or Texas or similar are falling over laughing right now at the idea of 21c being hot but trust me - 21 is hot in England. (I was in Orlando in October in 2005 and it was 34c - thirty-four degrees Celsius!! in October!! I've been places hotter, mind, but usually in summer not October) It's global warming!! We're doomed!! Or something.

Amazon didn't half cause a ruckus last week, didn't they? Accident my ar... erm... my left foot. What is it about big companies?? Do they get to a certain size (global takeover and world domination is ours!! **evil laughter**) and insist all their staff become brain donors or something?? There seems to be a critical overload if a company achieves a certain level - banks, Microsoft, Amazon all reached it recently - when common sense goes walkabout. A "we're too big to fail/care/bother" size. And then - pow - epic fail. Dozy pillocks. They won't suffer though - there will always be people who can't afford to shop elsewhere or don't have anywhere else to shop who will use them. I won't though. I don't see why I should give my hard earned money to a company that treats me with a lack of respect, if not outright contempt.


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