Thursday, November 20, 2008


Still fighting this stupid cold. Coughing has not been my friend...Nyquil has. The weekend is not soon enough, but I will take what I can. Yay for Friday.

Enjoy your updates.



crankier than thou said...

re: Mince Pie post by Ze (12/3/08) wherein the author who wrote "Into the Now" (VOY) had a hissy fit and yanked her story. Three words: Get Over Yourself!

Really now folks, unless Ze purposefully decided to stick it to the author, I just can't see getting all wacked over a simple mistake. Me thinks me smells an ego the size of Jupiter (which is showing up nicely on the horizon along with Venus in the evening sky) or perhaps said author was just having a really bad day - snort - but then I work in child welfare - our kid's bad days make most people toss their lunches. Anyway, thanks for letting me rant, because my day kinda sucked.

E said...

I am with ya! Thanks for making me laugh and may tomorrow be a better day.