Wednesday, November 26, 2008


With regard to yesterday's waffle; the more astute among you will have noticed that, while my verbal reasoning skills, my grammar and spelling talents and my ability to compose written statements, essays and tales is first class, my arithmetic leaves a lot to be desired. I'd love to plead that it was a typo. But it wasn't. My only excuse is it was late and I was concentrating on the message not the counting. And even worse, I'm pre-calculator generation. I grew up learning "times tables" by rote, with ready reckoners and log tables and learning to use a slide rule... I can stand in a supermarket and add up in my head the value of the contents of the basket and have a pretty accurate total by the time I reach the till. So I should have done better. But yes - I bolloxed it. I was just turning off the light and getting ready to go to sleep when I realised it. Too late to amend.

I apparently cannot subtract 1838 from 2008 and come up with a correct figure - in spite of its being a round number!! It's 170 years not 190.


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