Wednesday, November 05, 2008


No - I'm not setting fire to all those voters who still think that some people are more equal than others and that it's ok to deny a whole bunch of law-abiding citizens their civil rights. No - it's Guy Fawkes Night also known as Bonfire Night or Firework night. Although these days it seems to be more like Firework Month.

Yep it's that day where across the UK (and most of the still heavily-British ex-Empire countries like Oz and NZ) we shiver in the pouring rain, standing around a large (but inadequate for the purposes of keeping warm) bonfire while watching fireworks. And then of course we consume the traditional GFN food. Potatoes baked-in-their-jackets (in theory cooked in the embers of the bonfire - in practice nuked), sausages (in my case vegetarian, imitation sausages) and either baked beans or tomato soup. Or some folks just call in at the chippie for a fish supper on the way home, if they've been to a big display.

Of course these days most people don't give a monkey's who Guy Fawkes was, or why we burn him in effigy (a figure, made of crumpled-up newspapers stuffed into old clothes and wearing a mask designed to look vaguely like a gentleman of the Stuart period - pointy beard etc., is set on top of the bonfire). Or, in my case (raised Catholic), whether we should celebrate the destruction of a Catholic liberation group by an unjust protestant dictatorship. *g*. We all learn the history of The Gunpowder Plot at school - but like most school things it's forgotten the moment we leave. No, we don't care about all that. We just like the fireworks.

Remember, remember, the fifth of November, gunpowder-treason and plot, I don't see why gunpowder-treason should ever be forgot.

Happy Guy Fawkes Night.


1 comment:

E said...

Duncan said Guy Fawkes Night sounds "Awesome".