Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Words are amazing things.

They can be light and fun and others can cut us down without someone meaning to. But here we seem to be short on them from time to time. Do you realize Uber Etc even being fairly new has given you an update, rain or shine, for 300 days in a row? Of course we've those times were you folks in the Yahoo group got multiples as well. And let's not forget our wonderful stretch of ISP issues, but over all, day in and day out we've suceeded I think in our goal to bring you daily updates consistantly from a variety of places.

We even throw in those dandy recipes from time to time. And other nifty events would be the Hype nights of something cool happening. But both Tamara and I appreciate even more the opportunity to share this space with you all. Hence come ramble for us, we do appreciate it!

Send us those rambles, recipes, and things to hype and we will do our best at getting it out to you all. Thanks so much for being there. In the end this site is only as good as the updates (authors and their words) and those who care enough to read them.

So a reminder...share with us and we'll share with you. While you're at it, send your thoughts to all the great folks who share their time and effort with all these stories we post.

Have a great evening and enjoy your updates!


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