Friday, September 22, 2006

Vacation Continues

It seems like every time I visit E she ends up spending money. Yesterday it was a few hundred bucks for a bar stool. Who knew tall barstools cost so much? After doing research online she felt lucky getting off as cheap as she did. And the barstool is keen.

Today...a new leather leather. Relax. It's a burnt orange. Very tasteful. I liked it. Hopefully they'll be able to deliver the couch before I leave and I can be one of the first folks to sit on it.

I think we're done for big expenses. Let's hope so for E's bank account's sake.



E said...

Must note...the bar stool thing is because it is extra tall over the standard 30". As for the couch, I be very pleased, it was $400 less than the red one I originally considered and the color I truly wanted.

Anonymous said...

What color or your walls?

E said...

White walls with deep mustard trim and then it sits next to breakfast bar facing into the kitchen which is "Mesa Sunrise" also known as orange.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...I can't even begin to imagine that combo, but it sounds visually interesting, and mustard is my favorite sandwich condiment! Did you just get one stool? So, T. sits and you stand?... Burnt orange couch sounds cool; but, if it was expensive and you're going to have to keep it for a while, maybe you should have gotten the red 'cause red matches everything or at least, that's my story and my house is witness to that belief! My kitchen has one redish orange wall with taupy brown on the other three--matching red,orange, purple corian counter tops. Yeap, I know, pretty mundane colors...

Anonymous said...

OH MY GOD! DID I WRITE "WHAT COLOR OR YOUR WALLS!! AHHHHH! I swear I know the difference b/w or and are....

E said...

I knew what you meant.