Saturday, September 02, 2006

Saturday Night Hype

Here's an announcement about a Fanfiction Challenge sponsored by two of our favorite places....
Welcome to the "Fragments of Sappho" challenge-a-thon, brought to you by ShatterStorm Productions & Passion & Perfection.

Basically, this challenge-a-thon came about because AJ and Shatterpath got talking about femslash and lesbian poetry, and they decided they wanted to do a ficathon/challenge of some sort involving Sappho's poetry fragments and femslash. Then they talked RalSt into co-running the ficathon/challenge. Hence, "Fragments of Sappho" was born.

The gist of the FoS is to use Sappho's poetry fragments as inspiration for a femslash story. It's similar to other poetry and/or lyric challenges in that respect. It also involves the idea of fandom/pairing requests, as well. Essentially, each writer will be choose a fandom/pairing prompt from the list of requests sent in, and have approximately 5 weeks to write a story based on that fandom/pairing request and a poem fragment assigned by us.

This challenge-a-thon is open to anyone and everyone who writes femslash. We will entertain graphic artists who wish to participate with icons/wallpapers or videos. If we do get graphic artists who are interested, we'll definitely add in some rules for that form of submission.

You don't have to have a LiveJournal to participate in this. If you hear about us on a mailing list, or by word of mouth, that works as well. Just let us know how you found out, so we know!

The basic rules you'll need to know are as follows ::

1. Femslash only.

2. No RPS, incest, chan, or beastiality. PERIOD.

3. Request sign ups start on 1 September 2006 and end at 10pm PDT on 10 September 2006. Requests list will be posted on the dogged_by_muses LiveJournal community on the morning of 11th September 2006, when request claims will begin. As you receive verification of your claim request approval, you will also be assigned a poem fragment via email.

4. The "included" fandoms are as follows ::
1. CSI [all 3 series]
3. Veronica Mars
4. ER
5. Harry Potter
6. Firefly/Serenity
7. Grey's Anatomy
8. Stargate [both series]
9. Buffyverse [BtVS & Angel]
10. X-Men [movie-verse]
11. Marvel/DC Comics
12. The West Wing
13. Birds of Prey
14. Xena
15. Law & Order [all series]
16. Battlestar Galactica
5. Any fandom not listed above is considered a wildcard fandom.
6. Sign up for your fandom/pairing requests at with the following information ::

*Name:* [can be your lj name, pseudonym, real name, whatever you want for a name]

*Email:* [we need a valid email to contact you, even your-lj-name @ if you have a paid acct]

*_Request One:_
Fandom & Pairing:* [be specific on your fandom/pairing]
*Prompts:* [up to *two* things you'd like to see in the story]
*Squicks:* [up to *two* things you absolutely don't want to see in the story]
*Rating:* [is there a preferred rating you'd like?]
*Spoilers:* [how caught up on the series in question are you/do you want to be?]

[repeat for your second & third requests]

*Beta:* [are you willing to beta for someone else?]
*If yes, list fandoms to beta:* [listed or wildcard fandoms go here]

7. Only one story per fandom/pairing request.

8. Your first story must be 1000 words minimum and is due on 15th October 2006. You have the option of writing a second [or more] story, which will have a 500 word minimum with the same due date.

Please visit the official information page at for all of the rules and FAQs.

We hope to see you joining us!

And if you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me



And while I've got you here...don't to forget to vote for one of the Pheasant McNuggets Contest entries either through email or visit the Uber Etc. Yahoo group and vote in the poll.


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